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Basically EA is making money off the systems it takes seriously. It is not taking the Wii seriously, so it is not making money off it. Simple really.

So far Capcom and Namco are the ony real developers taking the Wii seriously right now and even that effort has been half hearted so far. Ubisoft is making a modest effort, but not a serious one. Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles because they're some of the few franchises that have been handled seriously thus far on the Wii.

Don't mistake this for the Wii not being able to handle serious franchises, RE4 has proven that dead wrong. It's easy to say there are no successful serious third party games on the Wii when no one puts serious third party games on the Wii to begin with. Right now anti-Wii fanboys try to spin the Wii as a one trick pony half hoping it will become true and half trying to rationalize their concern with the 360's and PS3's obvious place behind the Wii. As the gap grows and as what few serious third party games make it to the Wii and succeed grow it'll be increasingly difficult for developers to ignore it as the flagship console of this generation.

How long were we told to forgive the 360's rough start because it was only its first year? How many times did you try and tell us that it was only the PS3's first year and things would be different in 2008? Yet now oh so conveniently you want us to believe the Wii's first year is its set in stone trend from here on out and things won't improve? You want us to believe that a console which took the gaming world by storm won't makes its own equilibrium?