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Bodhesatva said:

Legend may be antagonistic, but people need to stop acting like he's crazy. People have told him to "look at the math." I agree, there is a lot going for the Wii right now.

But there is a lot going for the 360, too. First and foremost, all 360 games can be properly leveraged as PS3 games, as well. Multiplatform opportunites are good. Second, while overall total software totals for the Wii may be as high or even higher than the 360 on a weekly basis now, a huge portion of these sales are 1st party. I absolutely think this reason is retarded, and basically amounts to 3rd parties saying "Nintendo is too good, let's not compete with them," which from a gamer's perspective is lousy, but it's clearly what many publishers feel and if you happen to be publishing a game that you know isn't as good as Nintendo's finest, it makes sense. As Legend says, many publishers (including major ones like EA and Activision) are making a lot more money on the 360 thus far than they are on the Wii. Lastly, the marketshare distribution is spread evenly for the Wii worldwide, and in many cases games won't have worldwide appeal, such as Madden or Singstar. A system with a lopsided sales distribution will benefit from this, as it will be the best place to put American-centric games that are unlikely to sell in the EU or Japan.

In short, is it likely that the Wii will see more games from third parties as time goes on? Yes, it is. Absolutely, and I doubt Legend would deny that. But there is also a good incentive to continue making 360/PS3 games, too, and it's extremely unlikely that they'll abandon a venture that proven profitable to go after a different one. They'll simply add on.

Let me put this simply: Nintendo isn't going to win back third parties in a year, or even in a generation. It took nearly 15 years (from the beginning of the N64 to the end of the Gamecube) to get Nintendo to the complete third party wasteland we see today, and it will probably take at least a decade for them to ever get back to third party dominance -- if they ever do. As many of Legend's detractors have said, it's simple math.

I feel like Tom Cruise and you're my new publicist trying to explain away some wacky Scientology statements I've made (I'm not a Scientologist for anyone wondering).  Anyways you don't have to keep defending my remarks or explaining them away.  Anytime I post something I usually provide reasons and sometimes evidence for my reasoning and the people who dismiss it outright or treat it as crazy and/or completely wrong are usually those that have a particular belief and are unwilling to listen to or look at anything that may dispel that belief.