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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 users are you thinking of switching to a Xbox 360?

irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:

don't play online with either system, but if ever started to I would be wary of PSN, and thus if multiplat would get the 360 version.

most my friends have 360 anyway, so would have gotten that version regardless.

Thats stupid since you don't have to use any of your real info to play games... so the playing isn't effected in the least

have you ever heard of DLC?  there are some dlc, taht i actually do use, and in that case what is needed?

credit card info ad billing address.  Or lets say its an MMO.  not sure why i would not use my computer, but in case of say DC Universe i hear console version is better.  i need to use cc info for that game.

but yea otherwise i could jsut make a bs name and what not to play COD online with NO DLC. but then again revert back to my last point.  My friends all ahve 360's.  so if i wanted to play online, would i not want to join them.  Thus was saying this whole thing is moot for me.

PSN cards lol

was just in digital distribution topic so i take cards in that light.

what is the point of digital distribution if i have to go to the store to buy a card in order to enter that card into my ps3, when i can in seconds just enter my own credit card or debit card. 

i did used to buy cards for star wars galaxies, but that was because whoever sold the cards was an idiot.  I would buy the box the card came in.  for some reason the card came in a game box the size pc games come in.  and inside that box was just a loose card flying around.  So i go to best buy and pick up a few boxes and shake them.  notice one box is slightly heavier or can hear more noise.  go to clerc and check out.  Sometimes i managed to get up to 7 cards in one box.  talk about a great deal.  get 7 months for the price of one.

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

Around the Network
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:

don't play online with either system, but if ever started to I would be wary of PSN, and thus if multiplat would get the 360 version.

most my friends have 360 anyway, so would have gotten that version regardless.

Thats stupid since you don't have to use any of your real info to play games... so the playing isn't effected in the least

have you ever heard of DLC?  there are some dlc, taht i actually do use, and in that case what is needed?

credit card info ad billing address.  Or lets say its an MMO.  not sure why i would not use my computer, but in case of say DC Universe i hear console version is better.  i need to use cc info for that game.

but yea otherwise i could jsut make a bs name and what not to play COD online with NO DLC. but then again revert back to my last point.  My friends all ahve 360's.  so if i wanted to play online, would i not want to join them.  Thus was saying this whole thing is moot for me.

PSN cards lol

was just in digital distribution topic so i take cards in that light.

what is the point of digital distribution if i have to go to the store to buy a card in order to enter that card into my ps3, when i can in seconds just enter my own credit card or debit card. 

i did used to buy cards for star wars galaxies, but that was because whoever sold the cards was an idiot.  I would buy the box the card came in.  for some reason the card came in a game box the size pc games come in.  and inside that box was just a loose card flying around.  So i go to best buy and pick up a few boxes and shake them.  notice one box is slightly heavier or can hear more noise.  go to clerc and check out.  Sometimes i managed to get up to 7 cards in one box.  talk about a great deal.  get 7 months for the price of one.

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

i only buy stuff when i want it.  i'm not going to buy $50 or whatever of psn cards just incase some day i feel the urge to buy some games.

thats as stupid as taking you paycheck and turning it into gift cards at stores that you go to sometimes. 


MS is more likely to be hacked?  waht is the point of that statement.  sony right now got hacked, microsoft has not been hacked for CC.  so why is microsoft more likely to be hacked?

bottom line is, ps3 only owners will vote no, and 360 only owners will vote yes o_O

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:

don't play online with either system, but if ever started to I would be wary of PSN, and thus if multiplat would get the 360 version.

most my friends have 360 anyway, so would have gotten that version regardless.

Thats stupid since you don't have to use any of your real info to play games... so the playing isn't effected in the least

have you ever heard of DLC?  there are some dlc, taht i actually do use, and in that case what is needed?

credit card info ad billing address.  Or lets say its an MMO.  not sure why i would not use my computer, but in case of say DC Universe i hear console version is better.  i need to use cc info for that game.

but yea otherwise i could jsut make a bs name and what not to play COD online with NO DLC. but then again revert back to my last point.  My friends all ahve 360's.  so if i wanted to play online, would i not want to join them.  Thus was saying this whole thing is moot for me.

PSN cards lol

was just in digital distribution topic so i take cards in that light.

what is the point of digital distribution if i have to go to the store to buy a card in order to enter that card into my ps3, when i can in seconds just enter my own credit card or debit card. 

i did used to buy cards for star wars galaxies, but that was because whoever sold the cards was an idiot.  I would buy the box the card came in.  for some reason the card came in a game box the size pc games come in.  and inside that box was just a loose card flying around.  So i go to best buy and pick up a few boxes and shake them.  notice one box is slightly heavier or can hear more noise.  go to clerc and check out.  Sometimes i managed to get up to 7 cards in one box.  talk about a great deal.  get 7 months for the price of one.

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

i only buy stuff when i want it.  i'm not going to buy $50 or whatever of psn cards just incase some day i feel the urge to buy some games.

thats as stupid as taking you paycheck and turning it into gift cards at stores that you go to sometimes. 


MS is more likely to be hacked?  waht is the point of that statement.  sony right now got hacked, microsoft has not been hacked for CC.  so why is microsoft more likely to be hacked?

That's exactly why because Sony has and MS hasn't, so in the future MS is more likely to get hacked then Sony, you don't rob a bank that was just robed (successfully or not)

the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

i only buy stuff when i want it.  i'm not going to buy $50 or whatever of psn cards just incase some day i feel the urge to buy some games.

thats as stupid as taking you paycheck and turning it into gift cards at stores that you go to sometimes. 


MS is more likely to be hacked?  waht is the point of that statement.  sony right now got hacked, microsoft has not been hacked for CC.  so why is microsoft more likely to be hacked?

That's exactly why because Sony has and MS hasn't, so in the future MS is more likely to get hacked then Sony, you don't rob a bank that was just robed (successfully or not)

you can bet your ass these hackers will try and hack psn, soe as soon as it goes live again.

they got past it once, they know the system, they will attempt it again.

i'm sure they have tried microsoft or are still trying or will try.  but you are dilusional if you think they won't try playstation just as hard if not harder than any attempt on microsoft.

Around the Network
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

i only buy stuff when i want it.  i'm not going to buy $50 or whatever of psn cards just incase some day i feel the urge to buy some games.

thats as stupid as taking you paycheck and turning it into gift cards at stores that you go to sometimes. 


MS is more likely to be hacked?  waht is the point of that statement.  sony right now got hacked, microsoft has not been hacked for CC.  so why is microsoft more likely to be hacked?

That's exactly why because Sony has and MS hasn't, so in the future MS is more likely to get hacked then Sony, you don't rob a bank that was just robed (successfully or not)

you can bet your ass these hackers will try and hack psn, soe as soon as it goes live again.

they got past it once, they know the system, they will attempt it again.

i'm sure they have tried microsoft or are still trying or will try.  but you are dilusional if you think they won't try playstation just as hard if not harder than any attempt on microsoft.

Sony rebuilt the system so no the hackers don't, and if they try to hack psn again they stand alot better chance of being caught and prosecuted then MS, you are delusional if you think hackers have any chance of sucessfully hackers Sony in the near future, they have a much better chance of hacking MS (especially pc, MS is responsible for what like the majority of all breaches that are pc related and bear no responsibility)


Nah. Never. Sony has too many exclusives that I'm pleased with right now. It doesn't really affect me being without PSN for a few days, info breach? I had no credit card on PSN and now I get a free game and a 3o day extention to my PSplus sub. :D

Squilliam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Squilliam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

It doesn't water down the Sony lineup if they have the games.

Yeah it does. Games aren't pokemon, you don't catch them all. Most people don't buy that many games anyway and they can easily substitute. The general public doesn't act like babies if a game is exclusive on a system they don't own, people on vgchartz act like babies.

Um what? Dude...the point is Sony has like the mass bulk of the 360's games aside from two or three exclusives this year (or until E3 that we know of). Sony is going be drowning in games this year on the exclusive side as well as the multiplatform side. Microsofts hot exclusives are only at two in Gears and Forza and the Templar game...well no one knew about that crap.

Yeah but after the average dude has bought Call of Duty and a sports game (NFL for America, Fifa for Europe), they really aren't that fussed what their last game actually turns out to be. Since they're only going to be buying one game they're not likely to notice that theres only two exclusives, do you get where im coming from???!!! If you're talking about the feelings of people who've compromised their lives and sanity by not only playing video games obsessively but arguing about them on the internet I really can't be bothered to hear what they have to say.

@ Others: Gooo Gooo Gaaa  Gaaa

Well, but maybe since the casual public don't play that much they won't bother spending another $200 dollars on a console that basically does the ame but with less games.

Fuck no. Live is good but XBOX in general, it's just nothing compared to the PS3. It's a pile of shit.