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the_wizard_man said:
irstupid said:
the_wizard_man said:

So you are telling me you never go anywhere that sells game cards, and you could buy several at once, besides at this point MS is more likely to get hacked for CC then Sony and I'm sure your CC is already in places with much weaker secruity then psn

i only buy stuff when i want it.  i'm not going to buy $50 or whatever of psn cards just incase some day i feel the urge to buy some games.

thats as stupid as taking you paycheck and turning it into gift cards at stores that you go to sometimes. 


MS is more likely to be hacked?  waht is the point of that statement.  sony right now got hacked, microsoft has not been hacked for CC.  so why is microsoft more likely to be hacked?

That's exactly why because Sony has and MS hasn't, so in the future MS is more likely to get hacked then Sony, you don't rob a bank that was just robed (successfully or not)

you can bet your ass these hackers will try and hack psn, soe as soon as it goes live again.

they got past it once, they know the system, they will attempt it again.

i'm sure they have tried microsoft or are still trying or will try.  but you are dilusional if you think they won't try playstation just as hard if not harder than any attempt on microsoft.