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Forums - Sony Discussion - So, PSN is down... still...

soulsamurai said:
SvennoJ said:

Then I watched Tron legacy twice, the soundtrack of that movie is amazing. I wish surround sound in games could reach that level.

surround sound in games is that level...

MGS4 and Uncharted come close, and the music mix at the end credits of Killzone3 is awesome, but it's definately not as good as in the movies yet. Movies have it a lot easier ofcourse, matching the score exactly to what happens on screen. And with games dialogue often gets drowned out. Sure it's positionally accurate but that's not always the best way to go.

The sound gave me goosebumps several times during the movie, something only one scene in mgs4 managed to do. Being in the storm in Master and Commander has also not been matched by any game.

I wholly agree with this review at and have never seen sound in a game described this way

"If you couldn't get enough of Daft Punk's magnetic score before, just wait until it grabs hold of you in the comfort of your own home theater via Disney's flawless, top-tier DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 surround track. The French duo's pulsing electonica, the very heartbeat of Legacy's drama and action, seems to emanate from every inch of the room, effortlessly filling the soundfield, raising hair on arms and necks with convincing precision, and taking full advantage of every speaker in the room. Yet the music never overwhelms or overpowers the mix, settling in amongst the gladiatorial chaos of the Grid. The LFE channel devotes its attention to bass beats and explosions, to equally rousing ends; the rear speakers tackle each beep with the same tenacity as the ever-present, ever-engaging atmospheric effects, acoustic touches and environmental ambience that populate Flynn's virtual world; and dialogue remains clean, clear, intelligible and perfectly prioritized from beginning to end, leaving little doubt as to whether the mix has been meticulously crafted or haphazardly tossed together. Cross-channel pans are transparent, directionality is eerily accurate, and dynamics are rousing and enveloping. In fact, the whole of the experience is incredibly immersive and there wasn't a moment -- not a single moment -- that I didn't feel entrenched in Legacy's two worlds."

I'm looking forward to watching or rather listening to "The way back" on blu-ray, Weir's new movie after Master and Commander and according to the review the soundtrack is the biggest star again.

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just watched some 1080 blu ray rips on my ps3, played god of war3, looking forward to get back to PSN!!

Im playing portal before getting portal 2, l would have been playing FF4 but l want to download that from PSN

I've been playing 360 mostly, haven't really bothered turning on my PS3.

I am so upset, the weekend is over here (Friday & Saturday) and I could not play KZ3 MP all weekend. I have played some GT5, UC2, and some Joe danger, but this is the longest time I have not been able to play KZ3 online since the game release date.


I can only blame Sony for this mess, such a company should have taken all measures to prevent such things from happening. Even if the hackers take the blame, Sony has the responsibility to prevent it.


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Playing the shit out of Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, Contra 4, and studying me some French... no effect here whatsoever!

Yard work, house work.  Spending time with wifey, baby girl, mom-in-law.  Watched a horror movie on Netflix.  Oh, and video games.  PSN being down doesn't effect me when playing single player and living my life.  All is good.

makingmusic476 said:

Thank goodness some of us can play online, or - dare I say it - play on other devices!

I've been playing Portal 2 co-op and will soon start Metro 2033.  Both of which I would've been doing either way lol.

What did you think of Portal 2? I've completed both the co-op and single and am absolutely in love with it!

Is PSN necessary for me playing games? No

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
deskpro2k3 said:

Is PSN necessary for me playing games? No

But it's fun :(