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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Let's Make Nintendo Aware of Johnny Lee!

this guy has brilliant ideas it would be good if ninty noticed him

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I'd rather get nintendo aware of Jimmy Lee. We need another Double Dragon game.


This is what you got to do:
- Since you're probably not planning to bring over Resident Evil 5 to the Wii anyway: Develop an exclusive RE Wii game.
- Pack in those IR emitting glasses (cheap) and a plastic Wiimote stand (dirt cheap).
- Slap a sticker onto the front: "2 Wiimotes required!!!"
- To top it off, Johnny Lee makes an appearance as final boss.
- Sell millions.
- Be the coolest developer in the world.

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 

That was slightly boring. He knows his stuff, but not stuff I care much about.

I saw this video earlier, this guy need a tech job at ninty

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Mummelmann said:
That was slightly boring. He knows his stuff, but not stuff I care much about.

You appear to be in a very grinchy mood today. Considering your stance on the wii in general and how you don't like motion controls running the market i'm surprised you'd even bother to watch the video.

Kasz216 said:
I'd rather get nintendo aware of Jimmy Lee. We need another Double Dragon game.

 Haha, when I read the thread title the first thing that came to my mind was, Double DRAGON!!!  What is wrong with us?!?!!?

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PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!

Not to be rude but I'm not to sure Nintendo needs Johnny Lee ... He is very smart and would be a great addition to Nintendo's HCI team, but I think Microsoft and Sony could really use his ideas more.

I would prefer nobody hire Johnny Lee. I would rather see him continue making YouTube videos of his homebrew inventions, so that these concepts become public domain where any developers can use them, and not the patented intellectual property of one developer who would hold their SDK ransom.


This is not now in the public domain. In order to get this idea in the public domain, he would need to do an expensive patent search, patent it, and then put the patent into the public domain (or, really, offer a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevokable blanket patent to everyone on the planet). As it stands, if it is not yet patented, someone could walk into the patent office tomorrow, EVEN THOUGH he has already released this video, and patent this idea instead of him and thereby receive a patent for it. At this point, they would be able to sue anyone but him for patent violation, unless they have a documented earlier use of this technique to claim prior art; you cannot use someone else's prior art as your prior art, except to try and convince a judge that its an obvious extension of previous work to an expert in the field, which would be a hard thing to prove.

So in conclusion, IANAL:TINLA, but I wouldn't go around implementing this tech just yet and think you're safe... it in no way is in the public domain.

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
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