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mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:
sapphi_snake said:
mrstickball said:

Oh, I do have a question for you Saphhi:

What do you eat in Romania for meals? How much does it cost to make meals in your country? What does it cost to rent or own your own home?

Well, there are traditional Romanian foods, but I personally find them disgusting. I for one like Italian food. My favorite food is pizza, my favorite desert is Tiramisu  and my favorite breakfast is American pancakes. I live in a 4 person home, so we spend quite a lot of money on food (granted, things are probably cheaper over here than in the US). We spend about 500-700 Euros/month on food.

Prices for 2 bedroom appartments start from 70.000 Euros. Rent starts from 300 Euros for a 2 bedroom appartment (depends if it's furnished etc.). Houses start at 60.000 Euros, but the good ones cost over 100k.


How much money does your family make, if I may ask? 500-700 Euros/mo sounds like an insane amount of money for food, given what I understand average Romainian income to be. My wife and I spend maybe $250-$300 a month on food and can make pretty much any kind of food on demand.

Nice to see that you have excellent taste in food, by the way. I am sure our Italian food in America isn't perfectly authentic, but a good Tiramisu is nice.

I did take a look at some of your culinary dishes on Wikipedia... I think I maybe can understand you disliking a lot of your dishes. Your Frigărui looks pretty good, and Ardei umpluÅ£i sounds like something my mother in law makes often which is good (she does tend to add a little bit of pasta sauce/tomato paste to it to give it a sweet kick along with the rice, ground beef, and tops it with mozarella cheese). 

Well, my father has a high paying corporate job. I asked my mom how much we spend, and that's what she told me. I was kinda shocked too, but what can I say, we're big eaters (despite the fact that we're all a really skinny family).

Yes, Tiramisu is amazing. I love it. I'm pretty sure the only place you can get authentic Italian food is Italy.

Romanian culinary dishes suck (though you're right, Frigărui are very very good, one of the only exceptions). The deserts are nice though.


Do you know what the prices are for food in your country? Like, how much does a 1kg bag of rice cost? What about chicken/beef/ect? 1kg of flour? It would be interesting to compare prices for basic foods.

Well, first of all I wanna say that we don't spend 500-700 Euros on food. My silly mom didn't convert our national currentcy into Europs properly. We spend about 300-350 Euros a month on food.

Here are some prices fo food over here in Romania.

1 kilo of rice... 2 Euros

1 kilo of flower... 1 Euro

1 kilo of sugar... 1 Euro

Chicken... 2-2.5 Euros/kilo

Pork... 5 Euros/kilo

Beef... 5.5 Euros/Kilo

Turkey... 5.5 kilos

Milk... 1Euro/liter

Patatoes...0.85 Euros/kilo

Carrots... 0.85 Euros/kilo

Salad... 0.85 Euros/kilo

Spinach... 2 Euros/kilo

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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@homer, mrstickball & flashpoint_1230

Thanks for the info about homeschooling. Sounds cool. Wish it existed over here.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Kantor said:

For Russians, if there are any: How do you feel about Putin at the moment?

Couldn't find one but I'd like to hear an answer to this one.


Just wondering, why do North American's say the word route as 'rout'?

Out of all the mispronunciations this concerns me the most. Don't worry, us Brits butcher our own language too.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
Kantor said:

For Russians, if there are any: How do you feel about Putin at the moment?

Couldn't find one but I'd like to hear an answer to this one.


Just wondering, why do North American's say the word route as 'rout'?

Out of all the mispronunciations this concerns me the most. Don't worry, us Brits butcher our own language too.

For me the annoying one is aluminium. It's not aluminum, there's another 'i' in there!

homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Not really the ones they hate are the people.

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mrstickball said:
Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Of course.

Some Republicans hate Bill Clinton because he had an affair in the White House, sold off a lot of military assets in the wake of the Cold War, and so on. Generally, though, I'd say most are pretty cool with him (and in time, I became cool with him too after seeing what Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and Obama have been like).

I hate FDR with a deep passion, and there are a lot out there that do...But we're in the vocal minority. Most consider FDR a saint because he 'got us out of the depression' and led America during most of WW2. Being in the wake of Hoover made him look good, too.

A few hate Reagan too because he was very pro-military, and was very conservative. Iran-Contra was a big deal at the time, too, and some people dislike him for that.

Usually, though, the three mentioned are the most popular presidents of the last century, so there are certainly a lot of people that like them.

It was also under him that the restrictions and laws in place to help make sure another depression didnt happen begin to be peeled away. Though so did every single president after him.

Rath said:
The Fury said:
Kantor said:

For Russians, if there are any: How do you feel about Putin at the moment?

Couldn't find one but I'd like to hear an answer to this one.


Just wondering, why do North American's say the word route as 'rout'?

Out of all the mispronunciations this concerns me the most. Don't worry, us Brits butcher our own language too.

For me the annoying one is aluminium. It's not aluminum, there's another 'i' in there!

That one I understand, the American spelling is Aluminum. So they say it as they spell it but where Aluminum is a recognised word just looking back American's just stopped using it. At some point in the US it changed and even though scientists used it as -ium in the 1800s they changed it (well, so says wiki),

Hmm, pie.

^I answered that on the last page.

sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

Yes, but before the British and Germans started writng about vampires, they were already wide known in slavic provinces: The german writer (i forgot his name, its on wikipedia) started writing about vampires when he visited Austro Hungarian part of Serbia. And yes, there are diffrences between some slavic people and modern vmapire but most of them are still in recognised as slavic orgin.

As for Vlad Tepes, im not confusing him with anyone, im talking about Vlad III the Impaler? And he was well know for his resistance against the Turks and his brutallity towards them. And btw, he didnt cut off people's heads, he impaled them :) That was his favorite execution method. Thats why I like him - he gave the turks a taste of their own medicine.  in 1459, Mehmed sent envoys to Vlad to urge him to pay a delayed tribute of 10,000 ducats and 500 recruits into the Ottoman forces. Vlad refused. In order to provoke and instigate war with the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, Vlad had the Turkish envoys killed on the pretext that they had refused to raise their "hats" to him, by nailing their turbans to their heads. LOL, that guy was is a major IRL troll.

As I said, your people can't claim they invented vampires, as vampires have existed in folklore for millennia. And the vampires from your folklore are not the same as the ones from modern pop culture, they're not even similar to Dracula.

As for thesecond paragraph, he treated his own subjects like that, not only the Turks. He was a sadistic monster. And quite frankly, other than your general hatret for anyone who is a Muslims, I don't get why you think he was giving "the Truks a taste of their own medicine"?

I didnt say they invented them, I said western writers got thier ideas when writing of vampires from slavic nations in Balkans.

As for Vlad, he was a great ruler and defender, well known for his reststance aginst the Turks. He maybe was alittle brutal, but most of Balkan rulers were back than. And I dont hate anyone who is muslim, i only hate Ottoman Turks and the Moors, but since they dont exist (in that from) I dont really hate anyone. He was giving ottomans taste their own medicine, because they treated people same way all over Balkans.

Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Well, I am not American, but can I just say I hate Bill Clinton with enormous passion?