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mrstickball said:
Kantor said:
homer said:
Kantor said:

Americans: Why do you all seem to despise Obama so much all of a sudden? He has achieved something, and it wasn't reasonable to expect him to solve all of America's problems in two years.


There will always be a large group who hate the president, no matter the situation. Democrats hate Rep. and rep. hate Dems. The circle of life my friend.

Bill Clinton, FDR and Ronald Reagan? Anyone hate them?

Of course.

Some Republicans hate Bill Clinton because he had an affair in the White House, sold off a lot of military assets in the wake of the Cold War, and so on. Generally, though, I'd say most are pretty cool with him (and in time, I became cool with him too after seeing what Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and Obama have been like).

I hate FDR with a deep passion, and there are a lot out there that do...But we're in the vocal minority. Most consider FDR a saint because he 'got us out of the depression' and led America during most of WW2. Being in the wake of Hoover made him look good, too.

A few hate Reagan too because he was very pro-military, and was very conservative. Iran-Contra was a big deal at the time, too, and some people dislike him for that.

Usually, though, the three mentioned are the most popular presidents of the last century, so there are certainly a lot of people that like them.

It was also under him that the restrictions and laws in place to help make sure another depression didnt happen begin to be peeled away. Though so did every single president after him.