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Forums - Gaming Discussion - George Hotz Runs Away to South America; Lies About Having PSN Account

Parasitic said:

He used to be a he's just some thuggish kid....

The fall of George Hotz....


now i don't believe in nothin no more.


Playstation All-Stars is one of the best games I've played this gen, and is the most fun I've had in a game this gen.

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Sounds like Hotz is trying to make life difficult on Sony just like Sony is doing everything in their power to do the same against Hotz. I don't see how one is necessarily more wrong than the other.

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

Grimes said:

Sounds like Hotz is trying to make life difficult on Sony just like Sony is doing everything in their power to do the same against Hotz. I don't see how one is necessarily more wrong than the other.

Well in my opinion if Hotz gets away with evidense tampering (his lawyer has admitted Hotz removed components of his HDD's) then it kinda shows just how pathetic the US courts have become, handing over HDD's means -hand them over in there current state- not -go home remove all the stock components so it dosn't work and force the other party to find suitable replacement parts-... 

Mr Khan said:

Have we even settled on which district attorney would actually have the right to prosecute, based on Sony's tomfoolery?

I assume it would be the jurisdiction where he resides.  There might be something that defeats that, but I can't think of what it would be.

Parasitic said:

He used to be a he's just some thuggish kid....

The fall of George Hotz....


now i don't believe in nothin no more.

Are you going to law school?

Around the Network

First of all, it's a civil case so leaving the country doesn't mean anything.

Second, two days ago his lawyers put in an appeal against Sony being able to look through his computer and the final decision is still pending.

Third, he did give his hard drives to a third party already, but didn't give them a controller card to hook them up.

Lastly, he has already returned from South America and surrendered the controller cards.


Wired is a little bit more trustworthy than random interwebs

The only interesting thing is whether or not he actually did connect to PSN. The rest is just coincidence that he had already arranged a trip to South America and decided not to cancel his trip because of the pending court case.

Aprisaiden said:
Grimes said:

Sounds like Hotz is trying to make life difficult on Sony just like Sony is doing everything in their power to do the same against Hotz. I don't see how one is necessarily more wrong than the other.

Well in my opinion if Hotz gets away with evidense tampering (his lawyer has admitted Hotz removed components of his HDD's) then it kinda shows just how pathetic the US courts have become, handing over HDD's means -hand them over in there current state- not -go home remove all the stock components so it dosn't work and force the other party to find suitable replacement parts-... 

All the data is on the platters, all Hotz did was make the data harder to access. So technically, he didn't tamper with the data. Sony is one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world, you're telling me that it would be hard for them to dump data off a drive. They probably have technical units that do nothing but dump data off of broken hard drives.

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

KylieDog said:
twesterm said:

Yeah...I'm going to wait for conformation on this one...

1.  It's almost April Fool's day and it starts earlier and earlier every year.
2.  No other site at all is running this story
3.  It just sounds really far fetched

VGC is running it!

wow, I just almost typed a response that would proably get me banned.  :-p

I <3 you VGC

Grimes said:

Sony is one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world, you're telling me that it would be hard for them to dump data off a drive. They probably have technical units that do nothing but dump data off of broken hard drives.

Sony's not the one going through the data, though: that duty fell to a third-party, as agreed to by Sony and Hotz.  All that is besides the point though, since the entire purpose behind discovery is to facilitate quick and easy access to information without having to get the courts involved.  Going out of your way to make things more difficult for the other party to discover information is routinely punished by sanctions, and may even constitute a waiver of certain rights.

Edit: Looking at that Wired article, it seems even that impediment has been solved .  Tempest in a teacup?  Although why then was the first response "we can't do that, he's on vacation?"  Hmm... :-/

Geohotz has just endangered his case even more. I hope Sony uses him as an example. And for all of you screaming Consumer Rights, my rights and the many millions of other PS3 owners are just fine; don't try to use that as an excuse for you to tamper with the machine.