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Grimes said:

Sony is one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world, you're telling me that it would be hard for them to dump data off a drive. They probably have technical units that do nothing but dump data off of broken hard drives.

Sony's not the one going through the data, though: that duty fell to a third-party, as agreed to by Sony and Hotz.  All that is besides the point though, since the entire purpose behind discovery is to facilitate quick and easy access to information without having to get the courts involved.  Going out of your way to make things more difficult for the other party to discover information is routinely punished by sanctions, and may even constitute a waiver of certain rights.

Edit: Looking at that Wired article, it seems even that impediment has been solved .  Tempest in a teacup?  Although why then was the first response "we can't do that, he's on vacation?"  Hmm... :-/