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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will 3D sell the 3DS?

hatmoza said:

PS3 has already proven that a small percentage of consumers are interested in 3D.

Will 3D itself sell the portable device, at first, yeah. But I think it will depend on the game library in the long run.

The 3DS is more powerful than the DS, so you'd hope that library is a notch better than already established DS library.

The PS3 connection is sorta weak when you think currently how many thousands of dollars it costs to actually get a proper set up, with a decent size, 1080, and 4 sets of glasses... 3DS on the other hand is 250 and all retail games on it are 3D supported unlike the partial PS3 3D support.

People are interested, but the range of who is interested all depends on the price point honestly. 

As for the long run, yeah that's always what it boils down to, it also depends on which one the masses really champion, cause the people that pick up consoles later often go by what friends and family have, people support Wii, the buzz amongst the people is about the Wii and it's games, so what do the late comers buy? Wiis.  The backlog of games also gets these late comers since they'll want to play what their friends are playing.

And power does not equal quality of library, 3D0, N64, GC, Xbox, PSP, reflect this, it's the front runner that gets the most titles and usually supported the longest, and to be honest for a moment for all the power on the PS3 and 360 the average games on the systems are usually shorter and less polished than last gen titles, which is why they update the game a good number of times after launch, that is unless the game bombs

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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SpartenOmega117 said:

[Trolling of a Nintendo product] on gaf, ign

What a scoop!

Hmm, I have both a DS and a PSP. I already have a problem with the DS Stylus because in most games it can't be used comfortably. If the game is not built around it, its just useless. Sometimes I thought that the overall game suffered because the developer is just putting too much time into some tacked on minigame. It works well with games like Layton or Phoenix Wright... But FF 3 or FF4 were almost unplayable for me and I was glad that I could use the normal buttons.

When I heard that the DS is going 3D my first reaction was that I will never buy it because of this. Then I heard that the next Kingdom Hearts Sidestory is coming out and I got used to the idea of getting one. I can turn it off anyway. But its just awful that I will have to pay for a "feature" that I will never be going to use. Nintendo already ruined the Wii with its Motion Control nonsense for me.

" Its obvious a great percentage of the market can't enjoy what the system is meant for." - actually it isn't obvious that it is a great percentage, what is obvious is that every person will look at the same reports differently. Yes some people are affected by the 3D, just like some people get motion sickness from FPS. Last thing I saw FPS were selling quite nicely.

My take - initially it will be the 3D, eventually it will be the games that will sell the device.

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

mortono said:

I saw the 3DS today, and I feel the 3d could actually HARM the sales of the 3DS.

When I first started playing it fooled me because I thought "oh this isn't that bad, I'm fine." But after about a half-hour I started to feel a slight headache and sort of motion sick. 

We already know that kids are not going to get it. Parents have already been over-alerted and Nintendo has given them a good reason not to buy a 3DS for their kids.

Older people are going to be scared of it. Can you imagine your grandmother liking this? I know that sounds funny, but that's one of the main reasons why the Wii was successful. This audience already have a bias against 3d content and actually seeing it is not going to help. The older people that bought Brain Age on the DS are not coming along for the ride here.

It's funny how Nintendo says one thing and then does something completely different. Here they've been harping on the gaming industry to expand the gaming audience, and now they are coming out with something that is blatantly overshooting the market and pushing people away. 

And yes, they think the 3DS is expanding the market because "it's makes it easier to hit blocks"... I don't buy it. I played the 3DS for a while today and I just couldn't get how it would make gameplay easier. If anything, it made it harder. Pilotwings was much more difficult to see and comprehend with 3d turned on (and the controls didn't make it any easier either).

I really don't want to be a 3DS hater, I'm not. Honestly at the beginning of this day I was really excited to go see the 3DS. But after actually seeing it, I've lowered my expectations. Maybe I just didn't have enough time with it (That's what I hope for)... but so far it's been a disappointing experience.

Really? Because i played with it at my local best buy and the 3D was fantastic for me. No headaches or eye strain.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909

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Not on its own, but its obviously a key feature.  It`ll be the thing that gets most peoples attention and creates "buzz" if you will.






Don't know about you, but haven't games always sold the system? Even in the beginning of a new console?

Well duh

In the beginning for sure

MaxwellGT2000 said:
hatmoza said:

PS3 has already proven that a small percentage of consumers are interested in 3D.

Will 3D itself sell the portable device, at first, yeah. But I think it will depend on the game library in the long run.

The 3DS is more powerful than the DS, so you'd hope that library is a notch better than already established DS library.

The PS3 connection is sorta weak when you think currently how many thousands of dollars it costs to actually get a proper set up, with a decent size, 1080, and 4 sets of glasses... 3DS on the other hand is 250 and all retail games on it are 3D supported unlike the partial PS3 3D support.

People are interested, but the range of who is interested all depends on the price point honestly. 

As for the long run, yeah that's always what it boils down to, it also depends on which one the masses really champion, cause the people that pick up consoles later often go by what friends and family have, people support Wii, the buzz amongst the people is about the Wii and it's games, so what do the late comers buy? Wiis.  The backlog of games also gets these late comers since they'll want to play what their friends are playing.

And power does not equal quality of library, 3D0, N64, GC, Xbox, PSP, reflect this, it's the front runner that gets the most titles and usually supported the longest, and to be honest for a moment for all the power on the PS3 and 360 the average games on the systems are usually shorter and less polished than last gen titles, which is why they update the game a good number of times after launch, that is unless the game bombs

I would disagree with the 3rd point. I'd personally feel cheated if I bought a 3DS only to play DS quality games.

What I was trying to imply is, if I'm to upgrade to a 3DS they'd better be a difference in the game library.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

A daft question imo. If course it's going to sell the 3DS, it's the USP of the handheld. People experiencing problems with the 3D are going to be in the minority. It's going to fly off shelves like shit off a shovel.