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MaxwellGT2000 said:
hatmoza said:

PS3 has already proven that a small percentage of consumers are interested in 3D.

Will 3D itself sell the portable device, at first, yeah. But I think it will depend on the game library in the long run.

The 3DS is more powerful than the DS, so you'd hope that library is a notch better than already established DS library.

The PS3 connection is sorta weak when you think currently how many thousands of dollars it costs to actually get a proper set up, with a decent size, 1080, and 4 sets of glasses... 3DS on the other hand is 250 and all retail games on it are 3D supported unlike the partial PS3 3D support.

People are interested, but the range of who is interested all depends on the price point honestly. 

As for the long run, yeah that's always what it boils down to, it also depends on which one the masses really champion, cause the people that pick up consoles later often go by what friends and family have, people support Wii, the buzz amongst the people is about the Wii and it's games, so what do the late comers buy? Wiis.  The backlog of games also gets these late comers since they'll want to play what their friends are playing.

And power does not equal quality of library, 3D0, N64, GC, Xbox, PSP, reflect this, it's the front runner that gets the most titles and usually supported the longest, and to be honest for a moment for all the power on the PS3 and 360 the average games on the systems are usually shorter and less polished than last gen titles, which is why they update the game a good number of times after launch, that is unless the game bombs

I would disagree with the 3rd point. I'd personally feel cheated if I bought a 3DS only to play DS quality games.

What I was trying to imply is, if I'm to upgrade to a 3DS they'd better be a difference in the game library.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson