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Hmm, I have both a DS and a PSP. I already have a problem with the DS Stylus because in most games it can't be used comfortably. If the game is not built around it, its just useless. Sometimes I thought that the overall game suffered because the developer is just putting too much time into some tacked on minigame. It works well with games like Layton or Phoenix Wright... But FF 3 or FF4 were almost unplayable for me and I was glad that I could use the normal buttons.

When I heard that the DS is going 3D my first reaction was that I will never buy it because of this. Then I heard that the next Kingdom Hearts Sidestory is coming out and I got used to the idea of getting one. I can turn it off anyway. But its just awful that I will have to pay for a "feature" that I will never be going to use. Nintendo already ruined the Wii with its Motion Control nonsense for me.