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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend

irstupid said:

what bullcrap?  you mean how they are selling a crap load more iphones because people don't have to use the shit at&t network?

Or you mean how they are selling INSANE Number of apps for the iphone and touch?

Or what type of consequences are you talking about?

And then "why do you guys think he is going to lose against sony when he already won against apple for same thing"

What has changed?  In both cases he just hacked his OWN property and told others how to do it as well.  He did not do any pirating.

Actually, he just displayed keys, which are binary digits. Binary digits cannot be copyrighted (it's like saying that the number 7285906589 can become copyright), which open the legitmate door made by Sony, so no security is circumvented at all by any who use it.

I honestly don't see Sony having a leg to stand on here.

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pitzy272 said:

 2) so he can continue to make loads of money hacking.

People can get money from hacking now? Holy crap, I'm in the wrong job!

Seriously though, where is his source of income? And don't say "the hackers"

Khuutra said:
Slimebeast said:

He's souch a douche. This is destroying the gaming industry.

Regardless of the ultimate effect here, what Geohot does is not wrong or illegal, and the EULA is not legally enforcible.

He's stated his intentions very clearly.

Like him or not, believe him or not; as you will.

He's still in the right.

Indeed and I agree 100%

Honestly I know neither party in this case is nearly as innocent as they claim to be but I can tell you that corporations do tactics like this all the time to strong arm their way into scaring people off when it's really them either seeing how far they can push their will or they're actually scared themselves.  

I really want more corporations taken down a peg or two so it shows they can't just bully people around, I'd rather some good ground work be laid out for corporations that keeps them from pushing people around just because they have the funds to do it.  Some of the big reasons for the current economic plight we're in, is because of a lot of these restrictions being stripped away over the years and now it's biting us in the ass... so first things first, it's showing the corporations that the consumer controls the market not them.  If people want to modify a product they buy they are free to do so, if they do illegal things with their modificated system, not thats on the individual and not Geohot.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Damn a weekend? Wow, he has quite the following.

It's just that simple.

fwap said:

This whole thing is going to be one of the most memorable events of 2011.

Meanwhile there are revolutions happening all across North Africa and the Middle East.

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hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:

You can murder without guns

You can rape without condoms (lol, seriously?)

You can hide fingerprints without those as well

You can rob without ski masks.

But you know what?, in other to play pirated games on the PS3, and to cheat on the PS3, you know what you NEED for that?, you need someone to hack it thats what!!!!, no hackers, its not a problem.

conclusion?, get rid of hjackers and Sony's security problems dont exists.

and FYI, if i could bannish guns from the face of the earth i totally would.

wow no comment to your responce there

quick question.  What do you think about atmoic energy.  should we think of the people in the manhatton project the same as we do hitler, because of the atomic bombs?  what about nuclear power plants?

Your kidding right?, the sole purpose of the manhatan project was to produce a nuclear bomb, and it worked, and it was the first thing that camne from them... obviously those guys were a bunch of dicks.

yes i know, but you can see that atomic energy is used for two things i listed.  One for atomic bombs, very bad, and the other atomic energy in nuclear plants, very good.

This geohot did this for a 'good' reason so that people can do homebrew and other LEGAL thigns on their console.

YOU guys only bring up the bad things people CAN do with it.  Its the opposite of the manhatton project, he did not do it for the bad reason. 

Until you can prove that this geohot did this for the sole reason of pirating games, he can not be held responsible for that.

Of course we can, GEOhot knew very well that his shit would be used for piracy, he blew the PS3 security wide open!!!, IT HAPPENED WHITH HIS LAST HACK, he just didnt give a shit, and hopefully hel pay the consequences.

Its very unfortunate that Apple has to deal with the consequences of his bullcrap while he got away scott free.

Hey buddy, are you an attorney? Because as far as I'm concerned, you know shit of the law and you are just spitting nonsense over and over again. You have no case and you don't know ANYTHING about the case unless:

1)You are the attorneys involved
2)The Judge
3)The Plaintiff or Defense

Your arguments are just becoming a pest on the forum so how about you shut it and you go claim how the corporate world really cares about their customer and they would never rip them off (lol)

EDIT: Quote tree trimmed. -d1

hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:

Your kidding right?, the sole purpose of the manhatan project was to produce a nuclear bomb, and it worked, and it was the first thing that camne from them... obviously those guys were a bunch of dicks.

yes i know, but you can see that atomic energy is used for two things i listed.  One for atomic bombs, very bad, and the other atomic energy in nuclear plants, very good.

This geohot did this for a 'good' reason so that people can do homebrew and other LEGAL thigns on their console.

YOU guys only bring up the bad things people CAN do with it.  Its the opposite of the manhatton project, he did not do it for the bad reason. 

Until you can prove that this geohot did this for the sole reason of pirating games, he can not be held responsible for that.

Of course we can, GEOhot knew very well that his shit would be used for piracy, he blew the PS3 security wide open!!!, IT HAPPENED WHITH HIS LAST HACK, he just didnt give a shit, and hopefully hel pay the consequences.

Its very unfortunate that Apple has to deal with the consequences of his bullcrap while he got away scott free.

what bullcrap?  you mean how they are selling a crap load more iphones because people don't have to use the shit at&t network?

Or you mean how they are selling INSANE Number of apps for the iphone and touch?

Or what type of consequences are you talking about?

And then "why do you guys think he is going to lose against sony when he already won against apple for same thing"

What has changed?  In both cases he just hacked his OWN property and told others how to do it as well.  He did not do any pirating.

piracy is the bullcrap. 

and i'm not defending piracy.

Soonerman said:
hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:

Your kidding right?, the sole purpose of the manhatan project was to produce a nuclear bomb, and it worked, and it was the first thing that camne from them... obviously those guys were a bunch of dicks.

yes i know, but you can see that atomic energy is used for two things i listed.  One for atomic bombs, very bad, and the other atomic energy in nuclear plants, very good.

This geohot did this for a 'good' reason so that people can do homebrew and other LEGAL thigns on their console.

YOU guys only bring up the bad things people CAN do with it.  Its the opposite of the manhatton project, he did not do it for the bad reason. 

Until you can prove that this geohot did this for the sole reason of pirating games, he can not be held responsible for that.

Of course we can, GEOhot knew very well that his shit would be used for piracy, he blew the PS3 security wide open!!!, IT HAPPENED WHITH HIS LAST HACK, he just didnt give a shit, and hopefully hel pay the consequences.

Its very unfortunate that Apple has to deal with the consequences of his bullcrap while he got away scott free.

Hey buddy, are you an attorney? Because as far as I'm concerned, you know shit of the law and you are just spitting nonsense over and over again. You have no case and you don't know ANYTHING about the case unless:

1)You are the attorneys involved
2)The Judge
3)The Plaintiff or Defense

Your arguments are just becoming a pest on the forum so how about you shut it and you go claim how the corporate world really cares about their customer and they would never rip them off (lol)

Well, mr attoerney, explain to me how the big bad corporations are screwing over this time... no fairy tales like that other guy who thinks sonys going to take your PS3 for no reason please.

EDIT: Quote tree trimmed. -d1

modding the PS3 console itself is at best warranty voiding.

The problem is that people are not separating the console hardware (which the purchaser owns) from the OS software on the console (which Sony owns)

modding one's fine (if you're willing to void the warranty) but modding the other and telling others how to do it is another thing which the courts will decide on.

does Sony's legal team also have a fund i can donate to? I know who'd I'd rather give my money to.

Sony has a responsibility to protect the interests of its shareholders. GeoHot & crew have a responsibility to...?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spankey said:

modding the PS3 console itself is at best warranty voiding.

The problem is that people are not separating the console hardware (which the purchaser owns) from the OS software on the console (which Sony owns)

modding one's fine (if you're willing to void the warranty) but modding the other and telling others how to do it is another thing which the courts will decide on.

does Sony's legal team also have a fund i can donate to? I know who'd I'd rather give my money to.

Sony has a responsibility to protect the interests of its shareholders. GeoHot & crew have a responsibility to...?

Actually the issue for Sony is more customers support.

They have to deal with the following with CFW :

- People using CFW to cheat in online games, affecting others users.

- People that distribute malicious CFW that harm those users that install them ( by stealing their data, bricking PS3 and  so on..). They may not have to support those as they install those at their own risks, but you can be sure some of the people that encounter those issues are still going to complain to Sony if such a thing happen and they will swear to all gods they didn't install anything illegal to try to get that support. It's wasted time and money for Sony customer support department and a headache to handle in terms of PR...

- People trying to use those CFW to attack the PSN ( it's already started), Which in the ends costs Sony money..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !