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Khuutra said:
Slimebeast said:

He's souch a douche. This is destroying the gaming industry.

Regardless of the ultimate effect here, what Geohot does is not wrong or illegal, and the EULA is not legally enforcible.

He's stated his intentions very clearly.

Like him or not, believe him or not; as you will.

He's still in the right.

Indeed and I agree 100%

Honestly I know neither party in this case is nearly as innocent as they claim to be but I can tell you that corporations do tactics like this all the time to strong arm their way into scaring people off when it's really them either seeing how far they can push their will or they're actually scared themselves.  

I really want more corporations taken down a peg or two so it shows they can't just bully people around, I'd rather some good ground work be laid out for corporations that keeps them from pushing people around just because they have the funds to do it.  Some of the big reasons for the current economic plight we're in, is because of a lot of these restrictions being stripped away over the years and now it's biting us in the ass... so first things first, it's showing the corporations that the consumer controls the market not them.  If people want to modify a product they buy they are free to do so, if they do illegal things with their modificated system, not thats on the individual and not Geohot.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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