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hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:
irstupid said:
hehey said:

You can murder without guns

You can rape without condoms (lol, seriously?)

You can hide fingerprints without those as well

You can rob without ski masks.

But you know what?, in other to play pirated games on the PS3, and to cheat on the PS3, you know what you NEED for that?, you need someone to hack it thats what!!!!, no hackers, its not a problem.

conclusion?, get rid of hjackers and Sony's security problems dont exists.

and FYI, if i could bannish guns from the face of the earth i totally would.

wow no comment to your responce there

quick question.  What do you think about atmoic energy.  should we think of the people in the manhatton project the same as we do hitler, because of the atomic bombs?  what about nuclear power plants?

Your kidding right?, the sole purpose of the manhatan project was to produce a nuclear bomb, and it worked, and it was the first thing that camne from them... obviously those guys were a bunch of dicks.

yes i know, but you can see that atomic energy is used for two things i listed.  One for atomic bombs, very bad, and the other atomic energy in nuclear plants, very good.

This geohot did this for a 'good' reason so that people can do homebrew and other LEGAL thigns on their console.

YOU guys only bring up the bad things people CAN do with it.  Its the opposite of the manhatton project, he did not do it for the bad reason. 

Until you can prove that this geohot did this for the sole reason of pirating games, he can not be held responsible for that.

Of course we can, GEOhot knew very well that his shit would be used for piracy, he blew the PS3 security wide open!!!, IT HAPPENED WHITH HIS LAST HACK, he just didnt give a shit, and hopefully hel pay the consequences.

Its very unfortunate that Apple has to deal with the consequences of his bullcrap while he got away scott free.

Hey buddy, are you an attorney? Because as far as I'm concerned, you know shit of the law and you are just spitting nonsense over and over again. You have no case and you don't know ANYTHING about the case unless:

1)You are the attorneys involved
2)The Judge
3)The Plaintiff or Defense

Your arguments are just becoming a pest on the forum so how about you shut it and you go claim how the corporate world really cares about their customer and they would never rip them off (lol)

EDIT: Quote tree trimmed. -d1