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Forums - PC Discussion - How Guild Wars 2 revolutionizes MMORPG combat

silicon said:
cr00mz said:
silicon said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:

Add a damn job change system and i'll play! :(

job, as in profession/class?

why would you want to do that? That's what alts are for

Needing to create another character and having to re-do things is stupid and a waste of my time.

are there any games that offer this? sounds like a pretty stupid system. In most games you can respec change builds skills whatever, but not completly change your class. Never encountered a game like that.

I think FF14 had that.

so you create a warrior and play with him, then you get bored of him. Insyead of starting a new class you just change to a mage with the press of a button?

I never played the game... .but it was something like each class had armor. So if you wanted to be a mage, then wear mage armor, or if u want to be a warrior, wear warrior armor.

I don't know exactly how it worked. Seemed like the game was a mess at release so it could be completely broken.

It had more to do with your weapon, but yes, it's completely broken. I tried playing it a bit last week. Biggest waste of time.

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r505Matt said:

It had more to do with your weapon, but yes, it's completely broken. I tried playing it a bit last week. Biggest waste of time.

Final Fantasy XI does it best with the moogle.

Wagram said:
r505Matt said:
Wagram said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:

Add a damn job change system and i'll play! :(

job, as in profession/class?

why would you want to do that? That's what alts are for

Needing to create another character and having to re-do things is stupid and a waste of my time.

First, because that worked so well for FF14 -.-

Second, you never HAVE to create alts. I went through most of WoW with just my main, a priest. You can do the same for any MMO. If you want to try another class, then do so. Most games are quite successful even without any kind of job changing.

But I think it would be saddest if you avoid the game solely for that, especially if you find other parts interesting.

FF14s job change system is fine. I'm not the type of person who likes to play the same job forever. It gets boring as hell.

And most people like that just deal with it and create alts and play through the game with them too. Now in same games, this part sucks because the game is such an unbearable ground in the first place. But I doubt this will be the case in GW2. I almost NEVER make alts, I pick a class, and that's the only character I play for a month or 2 (after which I either quit or start trying something new). But if the game is genuinely fun, then playing through it with new characters isn't a chore anymore. I may find I just want to play certain parts of the game again, and I'll just make a new character.

Now granted, this is all assuming GW2 turns out the way everyone is expecting it to, so it may not actually happen. But I wouldn't avoid a game just because it's missing one feature, even if it's your favorite feature. I know FF14's job system is fine, it's actually one of the only good parts of the game; and FF11's system is great too. But there are plenty of great RPGs, MMO and non-MMO, that don't feature job change systems.

r505Matt said:
Wagram said:
r505Matt said:
Wagram said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:

Add a damn job change system and i'll play! :(

job, as in profession/class?

why would you want to do that? That's what alts are for

Needing to create another character and having to re-do things is stupid and a waste of my time.

First, because that worked so well for FF14 -.-

Second, you never HAVE to create alts. I went through most of WoW with just my main, a priest. You can do the same for any MMO. If you want to try another class, then do so. Most games are quite successful even without any kind of job changing.

But I think it would be saddest if you avoid the game solely for that, especially if you find other parts interesting.

FF14s job change system is fine. I'm not the type of person who likes to play the same job forever. It gets boring as hell.

And most people like that just deal with it and create alts and play through the game with them too. Now in same games, this part sucks because the game is such an unbearable ground in the first place. But I doubt this will be the case in GW2. I almost NEVER make alts, I pick a class, and that's the only character I play for a month or 2 (after which I either quit or start trying something new). But if the game is genuinely fun, then playing through it with new characters isn't a chore anymore. I may find I just want to play certain parts of the game again, and I'll just make a new character.

Now granted, this is all assuming GW2 turns out the way everyone is expecting it to, so it may not actually happen. But I wouldn't avoid a game just because it's missing one feature, even if it's your favorite feature. I know FF14's job system is fine, it's actually one of the only good parts of the game; and FF11's system is great too. But there are plenty of great RPGs, MMO and non-MMO, that don't feature job change systems.

I know. Hence why I said I don't play them.

Wagram said:

I'm not the type of person who likes to play the same job forever. It gets boring as hell.

Depends on the game. If playing a profession means you're stuck in one role (like this profession is always a healer, another is always a tank, etc.), then yes, it will get boring. But in GW2, you have the versatility of the professions to make up for that. If you're an elementalist, you can be a damage dealer, you can absorb damage, you can support. Every profession can play as any role and be good at it. It's just a matter of how they do it.

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Wagram said:
r505Matt said:

It had more to do with your weapon, but yes, it's completely broken. I tried playing it a bit last week. Biggest waste of time.

Final Fantasy XI does it best with the moogle.

Well, I didn't really find anything wrong with the job change system in FF14, it's just that everything else is broken. Well, the combat is fine too, for the most part.

But GW1 probably has the best job change system I've seen, even if it's still a little faulty at times. You can't change your main class, but you can change your secondary class in any town. You can get it to the point that with just a few clicks, you've completely changed your skillset, gear, and class. And even then, if you wanted another main class, you can max level in about 4-20 hours, depending on how well you know the game.

One of my favorite parts of GW2 is the leveling "curve". You gain the first few levels quickly, but then at some point, it slows down a little bit and stays there until max level. By that I mean if it takes you 1 hour to gain lvl lvl 29-30, it will take you about 1 hour to gain lvl 79-80. Anyone who has played MANY different MMOs like I have should LOVE this. Some games are pretty fun until it gets to the point where it takes 10 hours to gain 1 level. And you're not even halfway there. Ugh Redmoon, you were fun, but ugh.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a recipe for awesomeness! Think of scenarios where you're fighting a boss with some friends and it does some devastating AoE attacks from time to time. If you're talking over Ventrilo, you can be going "GET TO COVER!!".

Or if you're fighting a bunch of archers, and one of you are about to be shot to hell. Someone could jump in front of the arrows and soak them up with a defensive skill, or maybe sacrifice their own health if they have no other option.

It's just going to be filled with awesome moments!

Rainbird said:

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a recipe for awesomeness! Think of scenarios where you're fighting a boss with some friends and it does some devastating AoE attacks from time to time. If you're talking over Ventrilo, you can be going "GET TO COVER!!".

Or if you're fighting a bunch of archers, and one of you are about to be shot to hell. Someone could jump in front of the arrows and soak them up with a defensive skill, or maybe sacrifice their own health if they have no other option.

It's just going to be filled with awesome moments!

Well, I still predict that most of it will be pretty normal, especially for most of the public dynamic event stuff. But the party stuff and large public bosses, yeah. Which is good, because if stuff like that was happening every fight, it would not only get old, but no other game would be good enough to play =P

r505Matt said:
Rainbird said:

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a recipe for awesomeness! Think of scenarios where you're fighting a boss with some friends and it does some devastating AoE attacks from time to time. If you're talking over Ventrilo, you can be going "GET TO COVER!!".

Or if you're fighting a bunch of archers, and one of you are about to be shot to hell. Someone could jump in front of the arrows and soak them up with a defensive skill, or maybe sacrifice their own health if they have no other option.

It's just going to be filled with awesome moments!

Well, I still predict that most of it will be pretty normal, especially for most of the public dynamic event stuff. But the party stuff and large public bosses, yeah. Which is good, because if stuff like that was happening every fight, it would not only get old, but no other game would be good enough to play =P

Okay, filled was maybe a bit overkill, but they're definitely going to be there. And I predict no other game will be anyway. ;P

Rainbird said:
r505Matt said:
Rainbird said:

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a recipe for awesomeness! Think of scenarios where you're fighting a boss with some friends and it does some devastating AoE attacks from time to time. If you're talking over Ventrilo, you can be going "GET TO COVER!!".

Or if you're fighting a bunch of archers, and one of you are about to be shot to hell. Someone could jump in front of the arrows and soak them up with a defensive skill, or maybe sacrifice their own health if they have no other option.

It's just going to be filled with awesome moments!

Well, I still predict that most of it will be pretty normal, especially for most of the public dynamic event stuff. But the party stuff and large public bosses, yeah. Which is good, because if stuff like that was happening every fight, it would not only get old, but no other game would be good enough to play =P

Okay, filled was maybe a bit overkill, but they're definitely going to be there. And I predict no other game will be anyway. ;P

No, compared to the current form of the genre, filled is correct. The whole process of combat is going to be more intuitive, interesting, and "realistic". The fact that they're stressing mobility is sooo key to those ideas.