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Rainbird said:

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is a recipe for awesomeness! Think of scenarios where you're fighting a boss with some friends and it does some devastating AoE attacks from time to time. If you're talking over Ventrilo, you can be going "GET TO COVER!!".

Or if you're fighting a bunch of archers, and one of you are about to be shot to hell. Someone could jump in front of the arrows and soak them up with a defensive skill, or maybe sacrifice their own health if they have no other option.

It's just going to be filled with awesome moments!

Well, I still predict that most of it will be pretty normal, especially for most of the public dynamic event stuff. But the party stuff and large public bosses, yeah. Which is good, because if stuff like that was happening every fight, it would not only get old, but no other game would be good enough to play =P