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Wagram said:
r505Matt said:

It had more to do with your weapon, but yes, it's completely broken. I tried playing it a bit last week. Biggest waste of time.

Final Fantasy XI does it best with the moogle.

Well, I didn't really find anything wrong with the job change system in FF14, it's just that everything else is broken. Well, the combat is fine too, for the most part.

But GW1 probably has the best job change system I've seen, even if it's still a little faulty at times. You can't change your main class, but you can change your secondary class in any town. You can get it to the point that with just a few clicks, you've completely changed your skillset, gear, and class. And even then, if you wanted another main class, you can max level in about 4-20 hours, depending on how well you know the game.

One of my favorite parts of GW2 is the leveling "curve". You gain the first few levels quickly, but then at some point, it slows down a little bit and stays there until max level. By that I mean if it takes you 1 hour to gain lvl lvl 29-30, it will take you about 1 hour to gain lvl 79-80. Anyone who has played MANY different MMOs like I have should LOVE this. Some games are pretty fun until it gets to the point where it takes 10 hours to gain 1 level. And you're not even halfway there. Ugh Redmoon, you were fun, but ugh.