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silicon said:
cr00mz said:
silicon said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:

Add a damn job change system and i'll play! :(

job, as in profession/class?

why would you want to do that? That's what alts are for

Needing to create another character and having to re-do things is stupid and a waste of my time.

are there any games that offer this? sounds like a pretty stupid system. In most games you can respec change builds skills whatever, but not completly change your class. Never encountered a game like that.

I think FF14 had that.

so you create a warrior and play with him, then you get bored of him. Insyead of starting a new class you just change to a mage with the press of a button?

I never played the game... .but it was something like each class had armor. So if you wanted to be a mage, then wear mage armor, or if u want to be a warrior, wear warrior armor.

I don't know exactly how it worked. Seemed like the game was a mess at release so it could be completely broken.

It had more to do with your weapon, but yes, it's completely broken. I tried playing it a bit last week. Biggest waste of time.