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Wagram said:
r505Matt said:
Wagram said:
cr00mz said:
Wagram said:

Add a damn job change system and i'll play! :(

job, as in profession/class?

why would you want to do that? That's what alts are for

Needing to create another character and having to re-do things is stupid and a waste of my time.

First, because that worked so well for FF14 -.-

Second, you never HAVE to create alts. I went through most of WoW with just my main, a priest. You can do the same for any MMO. If you want to try another class, then do so. Most games are quite successful even without any kind of job changing.

But I think it would be saddest if you avoid the game solely for that, especially if you find other parts interesting.

FF14s job change system is fine. I'm not the type of person who likes to play the same job forever. It gets boring as hell.

And most people like that just deal with it and create alts and play through the game with them too. Now in same games, this part sucks because the game is such an unbearable ground in the first place. But I doubt this will be the case in GW2. I almost NEVER make alts, I pick a class, and that's the only character I play for a month or 2 (after which I either quit or start trying something new). But if the game is genuinely fun, then playing through it with new characters isn't a chore anymore. I may find I just want to play certain parts of the game again, and I'll just make a new character.

Now granted, this is all assuming GW2 turns out the way everyone is expecting it to, so it may not actually happen. But I wouldn't avoid a game just because it's missing one feature, even if it's your favorite feature. I know FF14's job system is fine, it's actually one of the only good parts of the game; and FF11's system is great too. But there are plenty of great RPGs, MMO and non-MMO, that don't feature job change systems.