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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Portal 3 will be Released Before Half-Life 3


Portal 3 will be Released Before Half-Life 3

Yes, Portal 3 will come first 3,108 48.72%
No, Half-Life 3 before Portal 3 1,121 17.57%
Who cares, I just want Episode 3 1,289 20.21%
I haz no idearz 861 13.50%

Crying baby cries

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Don't forget that, at the end of HL2 ep 2, you are told to look for a sunken ship belonging to... Aperture science. Is ti a link for a crossover HL/Portal ? Or a easter egg ?

Killy_Vorkosigan said:

Don't forget that, at the end of HL2 ep 2, you are told to look for a sunken ship belonging to... Aperture science. Is ti a link for a crossover HL/Portal ? Or a easter egg ?

And you are searching for an serect weapon that is suppose to be all powerful

could that be an portal gun 

If so i dont want this is be another episode but an full installment in the series. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

Fab_GS said:

Portal > Half-Life


You get a free pass because you like FFVI.

Killy_Vorkosigan said:

Don't forget that, at the end of HL2 ep 2, you are told to look for a sunken ship belonging to... Aperture science. Is ti a link for a crossover HL/Portal ? Or a easter egg ?

The games exist in the same universe and the full story behind them is this...

Aperture science was black mesas main competition in portal technology, the resonance cascade happened and blew black mesa into smithereens while aperture wins the now non-existent race for portal technology. combine believe theres very precious portal tech on apertures boat and thats where the story leaves off

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

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pacman91 said:

Crying baby cries

The Nile and Amazon Rivers have nothing on the flood created from my tears.

Khuutra said:

As ever, I'm glad I get more of the games I like, even if you personally, yes you, have to suffer for it.

I'm used to it. To live is to suffer, to survive..Well that is to find meaning and to suffer. I think some famous rapper said this.

No what happened to Half-Life 3 is they heard that Duke nukem was going to be released and they realised that the gaming community needed another game to be endlessly waiting for and that it needed to be in constant development and they realised that with steam and their other franchises they could afford to develop Half-life 3 for 13 years making it the game with the longest development cycle add in inevitable delays and you have a expected release date of 2021...

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Killiana1a said:
Khuutra said:

As ever, I'm glad I get more of the games I like, even if you personally, yes you, have to suffer for it.

I'm used to it. To live is to suffer, to survive..Well that is to find meaning and to suffer. I think some famous rapper said this.

I find meaning and enjoy myself.


That's why I like Portal so much, clearly

Khuutra said:
Killiana1a said:
Khuutra said:

As ever, I'm glad I get more of the games I like, even if you personally, yes you, have to suffer for it.

I'm used to it. To live is to suffer, to survive..Well that is to find meaning and to suffer. I think some famous rapper said this.

I find meaning and enjoy myself.


That's why I like Portal so much, clearly

The meaning I see in Portal is fairly vague allusions of it as Episode 3. Other than that I interpreted Portal as a side project that has now become a main project in many ways overshadowing the series which made Portal possible to be made, Half-Life.

By focusing on Portal, Valve is selling out and forgetting where they came from.