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Forums - Sony Discussion - Activision may close PlayStation Network Black Ops servers

pizzahut451 said:
damndl0ser said:

I say defend Sony till we die!  Nothing is ever their fault!  

Im dying to know, how is any of this even remotly Sony's fault?

Nothing is ever Sony's fault.  Don't you understand that?

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




Around the Network
damndl0ser said:
pizzahut451 said:
damndl0ser said:

I say defend Sony till we die!  Nothing is ever their fault!  

Im dying to know, how is any of this even remotly Sony's fault?

Nothing is ever Sony's fault.  Don't you understand that?

Must try harder at satire.

JazzyJeez said:
damndl0ser said:
pizzahut451 said:
damndl0ser said:

I say defend Sony till we die!  Nothing is ever their fault!  

Im dying to know, how is any of this even remotly Sony's fault?

Nothing is ever Sony's fault.  Don't you understand that?

Must try harder at satire.


Let them shut it down. If I can barely run a zombie match for longer than 15 minutes before the whole thing crashes, then I can't imagine the atrocities I'll see once people actually starting hacking into it and my weak heart can't take that much human failure. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

pff just go on activision! I could not care less, stupid idiots

Around the Network
JazzyJeez said:
damndl0ser said:
pizzahut451 said:
damndl0ser said:

I say defend Sony till we die!  Nothing is ever their fault!  

Im dying to know, how is any of this even remotly Sony's fault?

Nothing is ever Sony's fault.  Don't you understand that?

Must try harder at satire.

What can I say, I have been up near 2 days and I have to goto work shortly.  I will do better after sleep, I promise.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




AussieGecko said:
LivingMetal said:
homer said:
AussieGecko said:
homer said:

short answer: neither

just putting a worse case scenario out there. If they are willing to risk cutting of servers of 9million people I am sure they are willing to risk loss of 9 million others.

worst case scenario: Meteor collides with earth killing all life.

best case scenario: Jesus comes back

most likely scenario: Life continues as it always has and CoD keeps its multiplayer.

So full of win.

how is this helpful? unless you add something dont add anything. You and I have had a conversation on another thread. Respond to that.

Are you talking to me or the other guy?

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

It will never happen.BO is selling god-like on the PS3,and with the upcoming DLCs,I highly doubt they will throw that big potential amount of money out of the window.

AussieGecko said:
homer said:
AussieGecko said:
homer said:

short answer: neither

just putting a worse case scenario out there. If they are willing to risk cutting of servers of 9million people I am sure they are willing to risk loss of 9 million others.

worst case scenario: Meteor collides with earth killing all life.

best case scenario: Jesus comes back

most likely scenario: Life continues as it always has and CoD keeps its multiplayer.

be mature please, i was simply giving an on topic discussion. Because you see nothing but Sony positives you don't see this as realistic.

If you want to be honest about you can see this as a possibility. If the same thing happened to 360 I wouldn't be the only one suggesting this.

Lol. Quit acting like you are better than everyone else. You are obviously easily offended so I will not apologize. You know deep down that it is not logical for the CoD multiplayer to be shut down on any platform any time soon. It seems like your last statement is just an excuse to be openly negative towards sony, by claiming others would do the same to Microsoft. Also, why did you tell someone to run into a wall? Your opinion means very little to me after you said that.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

Am I the only one who think that he told that to the dude because he was pissed off of people whining, because they can't do anything to make the servers better (suposedly), so do they want to still play this way or they shut them down, and everyone will be very pissed off.

And by the way FFS guys, what kind of internet conection do you have, I never had any single problem with PSN, not a single lag, (I'm dlding at 1.8 to 2.2mo/s) and my PS3 is conected by wifi. I don't know seriously, something that went wrong somewhere. (ok, I had to open 4 ports that were adviced by several people but I will never understand how can people have lags). I have to find someone who has them to see what it is...