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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 3DS to use friend codes

Damn it all, Nintendo, this better be universal, or you just ruined my day. 




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Oh god I do hope there'll be universal codes, or this won't bode well for Wii's successor.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


snfr said:
Acevil said:
snfr said:

I really hoped they wouldn't use friendcodes... A universal account (like on PSN or XBL) would be so much better.

But anyway, it's mostly about the games, and these are looking great so far. Although I have to say that the Japanese launch line-up doesn't interest me at all; I really hope for some more games for the western launch.

Well, do remember a launch is usually just that a launch. I can't really think of any hardware with actually a killer launch. What is announced on the other hand is awesome. Also Nintendo this is the only thing wrong with you, that should be a really easy fix. 

Yeah that's probably true.

But well, I still intend to buy it day one because I also want to play some DS games (I don't have a DS); so it doesn't really matter much if it has a killer lineup right from the beginning. I can wait a few weeks, it shouldn't take too long till the first few games that I'm actually interested in will be released, I guess.

Well same here day 1, is it kind of sad, that so far none of the bad news effects me. Come nintendo, hurt me....just try it. (waits for the price announcement of 299.99 :P)


oh god, please Nintendo of all things to stay different in, this is not one of them. Copy MS/Sony with user specific usernames. F FCs!

Blimey - come on Nintendo; the friend codes was the only thing that I didn't like about the DS/Wii, why must they stay? :( At least the street/spotpass thing should be good :)

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So that answers that, doesn't it? Though we can still hold out for a universal code, but i wouldn't hold my breath at this point.

They really haven't been given a good reason to fix it. Just like they haven't been given a good reason to include online in games at all (look at NSMBWii. When you can sell 20 million without online, online itself is little more than a novelty, let alone good online)

Disappointing, but it depends on a few things as to how bad it can really be. If there's an easier means to communicate with friends through the console, or if the OS incorporates more stuff to allow you to, say, send messages to friends in-game, and if they actually allow you to send instant messages between friends, unlike WiiConnect24.

Friend Codes as a system could be mode unobtrusive, but the Wii system did more to make it more of an inconvenience than it needed to be

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

To be fair, I never really used the online for DS/Wii anyway- just to download some Layton puzzles and such.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

i went from being excited to interested to now just not caring. Ninty's whole online is screwed up, and instead of taking an opportunity with this new hardware and fixing it, they keep their crappy friend codes??? Call me a troll all you want but no, I think ill wait for the inevitable 3DS lite. battery life i can deal with, PSP isnt that great in that regard. region locking??? stupid but ill play ball. friend codes, sorry thats where i draw the line. Alright Sony what crap do you have to try to get my portable gaming dollars??

Acevil said:
snfr said:

Yeah that's probably true.

But well, I still intend to buy it day one because I also want to play some DS games (I don't have a DS); so it doesn't really matter much if it has a killer lineup right from the beginning. I can wait a few weeks, it shouldn't take too long till the first few games that I'm actually interested in will be released, I guess.

Well same here day 1, is it kind of sad, that so far none of the bad news effects me. Come nintendo, hurt me....just try it. (waits for the price announcement of 299.99 :P)

To be honest, this wouldn't really effect me at all either.

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KylieDog said:

Of course this also probably means no account system like PSN/XBL/steam etc and any DLC games you buy are stuck on that 3DS and never on a different 3DS, so if you ever wanna buy a new 3DS model or if it breaks or lose them all.

They hinted at being able to transfer over purchased DSiWare stuff, so hopefully they'll make something more enlightened on that front as well

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.