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So that answers that, doesn't it? Though we can still hold out for a universal code, but i wouldn't hold my breath at this point.

They really haven't been given a good reason to fix it. Just like they haven't been given a good reason to include online in games at all (look at NSMBWii. When you can sell 20 million without online, online itself is little more than a novelty, let alone good online)

Disappointing, but it depends on a few things as to how bad it can really be. If there's an easier means to communicate with friends through the console, or if the OS incorporates more stuff to allow you to, say, send messages to friends in-game, and if they actually allow you to send instant messages between friends, unlike WiiConnect24.

Friend Codes as a system could be mode unobtrusive, but the Wii system did more to make it more of an inconvenience than it needed to be

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.