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Forums - Sales Discussion - FINAL FANTASY XIII CROSSES 6 MILLION Units!



6.25 Million 19 13.77%
6.50 Million 17 12.32%
6.75 Million 16 11.59%
7.00 Million 32 23.19%
7.25 Million 7 5.07%
7.50 Million 46 33.33%
darthdevidem01 said:
atma998 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
lowFullScreen" value="true" />

Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII is showing legs 3 times better than XII.

Quite a margin? by like 7K...which isn't much.... definitely not "quite a margin"

Last week FFXIII outsold DQIX BTW....this week DQIX has shot up though.

Not to mention DQIX is *still* being advertised on TV with Jedward commercials in the UK.

Well you don't get the point. I'm not saying DQIX will outsell both versions of FFXIII LTD, just that it has better legs. A DQ game that has better legs than a FF game in the West is something very unusual and that you can't denied. It shows that FF franchise is becoming less popular (at least not at the same level as FFVII nor FFX) while the DQ one is becoming more popular (best selling game in the series!). Also, you won't find this game in a bargain bin.

And yes 7k is definitely ''quite a margin'' considering we are talking about JRPG's legs. So in the end if we have to be ''amazed'' by the sales of a JRPG this gen, it should definitely be by DQIX, not FFXIII.

What is your point then? DQ is getting more popular? So what, did you not read the thread title...this isn't a Dragon Quest Sales analysis thread.

1. Dragon Quest IX has been marketed heavily in the West with the UK still getting TV ads months after its launch  unlike previous Dragon Quest' choose to conveniently ignore this....of course it will show better legs than a front loaded series like FF.

2. 7 K this week...last Week FF13 outsold it by 3K and it had been doing for many due to 1 week suddenly DQIX is showing better legs. Riiiiiight.

3. Who is saying you have to be "amazed" by came into this thread and started talking about DQIX which has nothing to do with the topic at all. Talking about DQIX sales won't make FFXIII's sales seem any less good...nor will a vice versa comparison.....look up the word co-existence.

And Dragon Quest IX is in the bargain bin at my local GAME, so is FFXIII (360)...not FFXIII (Ps3) though.

Wow calm down, dude. There is nothing personnal here, we're just talking about a game sales.

First of all, my point, that you deliberately ignored since the beginning, is that FFXIII sales isnt that good as you seem to think for about a year now. So...

1- I don't care about advertisements. Do you really think that its because of an ad in UK that the game is selling so well in ALL western countries? Riiiiiight :P

2- Again outselling BOTH versions of FFXIII by 7k or being oustsold by BOTH versions of FFXIII by 3k doesnt matter here. The point is that we 're talking about a franchise that was always WAY MORE POPULAR in the West than DQ has ever be in the past. So these numbers show there is a change in consumers preferences like it or not.

3- I never said someone told me to be ''amazed'' here, just that your FFXIII sales arent that impressive compared to its historical rival sales. So in the end yes, talking about DQIX sales does indeed make FFXIII's sales seem less good. When talking about sales of a game we usually have to compare it to others to find it good or bad.

Whatever did you ever asked yourself why there is so much people who doesnt share your thoughts about FFXIII? But I know I'm talking to the #1 fan of the game here so I don't expect you to realize anything.

p.s. Dragon Quest IX is still selling at full price on amazon unlike FFXIII. And I don't think you saw DQIX in a bargain bin at all unless you can show me proofs of that.

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I don't like to butt into other peoples arguments but atma you make some of the most dense statements I read on this forum, you should be the last person telling someone to "ask themselves" something. Ask yourself why you came in here spouting sales for a different game, causing trouble probably? Ask yourself why your so anti xbox 360 & PS3 in every thread on this site, you know thats true. Ask yourself why advertising can help a games sales. And Dragon Quest IX is discounted on Amazon UK. Finally ask yourself why you've been banned for the same reasons so many times over your time on the site.

The Xbox Man said:

I don't like to butt into other peoples arguments but atma you make some of the most dense statements I read on this forum, you should be the last person telling someone to "ask themselves" something. Ask yourself why you came in here spouting sales for a different game, causing trouble probably? Ask yourself why your so anti xbox 360 & PS3 in every thread on this site, you know thats true. Ask yourself why advertising can help a games sales. And Dragon Quest IX is discounted on Amazon UK. Finally ask yourself why you've been banned for the same reasons so many times over your time on the site.

Err, I'm a DQ fan so I'm probably biased, but anyway, he came in here to state that the sales and gave a very good reason (not selling as well as something it has always crushed). That's what your supposed to do -- discuss sales. And there's nothing wrong with being anti any console. If it was, VGC would close down because nobody would come on here. As long as his criticism is valid, it doesn't matter whether or not he makes criticisms regarding the same consoles throughout the forum. Also, I know from watching TV and this game's sales that advertising doesn't have that much to do with them at all. Besides, it's only taking place in the UK. Also, being cheaper on Amazon doesn't mean much, :P, even 1st party Nintendo games, which are hailed/hated for holding their high price, constantly go for much cheaper on there. It's RRP that matters.

Anyway, did you even look at his first post? It wasn't trollish. It said that FFXIII's doing okay, but has bad legs in comparison to DQIX. He even said that SE should still be happy. Why are you criticizing him for it?


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

Immortal said:
The Xbox Man said:

I don't like to butt into other peoples arguments but atma you make some of the most dense statements I read on this forum, you should be the last person telling someone to "ask themselves" something. Ask yourself why you came in here spouting sales for a different game, causing trouble probably? Ask yourself why your so anti xbox 360 & PS3 in every thread on this site, you know thats true. Ask yourself why advertising can help a games sales. And Dragon Quest IX is discounted on Amazon UK. Finally ask yourself why you've been banned for the same reasons so many times over your time on the site.

Err, I'm a DQ fan so I'm probably biased, but anyway, he came in here to state that the sales and gave a very good reason (not selling as well as something it has always crushed). That's what your supposed to do -- discuss sales. And there's nothing wrong with being anti any console. If it was, VGC would close down because nobody would come on here. As long as his criticism is valid, it doesn't matter whether or not he makes criticisms regarding the same consoles throughout the forum. Also, I know from watching TV and this game's sales that advertising doesn't have that much to do with them at all. Besides, it's only taking place in the UK. Also, being cheaper on Amazon doesn't mean much, :P, even 1st party Nintendo games, which are hailed/hated for holding their high price, constantly go for much cheaper on there. It's RRP that matters.

Anyway, did you even look at his first post? It wasn't trollish. It said that FFXIII's doing okay, but has bad legs in comparison to DQIX. He even said that SE should still be happy. Why are you criticizing him for it?

Thanks Immortal. It's great to see people who understand my point without going into useless bashing. I would like to add that this Xbox Man was very good at attacking the messenger instead of countering my arguments.

And he didnt tell us why they are so many people who didnt like FFXIII. Maybe he should ''ask himself'' why he's so angry with me in the first time. The truth is sometime hurting I guess.

The main issue with this kind of thread is that if you're not praising the sales or the game like the op, you're automatically tagged as a hater or a troll even if you bring valid points. I thought it was a thread to discuss about sales but it seems I was wrong...

Final Fantasy XIII cureently ranks as the 15th best selling HD game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – 20.79

GTAIV – 15.08

Call of Duty 4 – 13.94

Call of Duty Black Ops – 12.33

Halo 3 – 11.27

Call of Duty World at War – 10.89

Assassins Creed – 8.81

Assassins Creed 2 – 8.43

Red Dead Redemption – 6.7

Halo Reach – 6.45

Guitar Hero 3 – 6.43

Resident Evil 5 – 6.4

Fifa 10 – 6.31

Gears of War – 6.11

Final Fantasy XIII – 6.02

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A203D said:
Jdevil3 said

Well, they COULD use more discs... but they will have to pay more royalties to MS, more printing costs, etc... there might be a point where adding more discs isn't a good idea anymore. And remember they would have to make a choice, make the users change discs when they want to go back to an already visited area, or make some areas only accessible during certain points in the game (only on certain discs). I think I remember FFXIII had 9GB of game data and the rest was just cutscenes. If they wanted to put all areas in all discs to let you revisit old areas it would be impossible because each disc would need to hold the 9GBs AND the cutscenes (Example: Disc 1=9GBs of game data and Disc 1 cutscenes, there's not enough space for all that). Anyways, revisiting old areas in FFXIII is pretty pointless since there isn't much left to do xD.

Since Final Fantasy Versus XIII is "open world" with a world-map, airships and cars to travel all around the world, they will have to either make the users switch discs every time they go to an area that's not in the disc they have in their console, or close older areas so that they can only have access to the ones that you will have to go to in that disc because of the story... if they pick the second choice, then sacrifices will have to be made to the PS3 version so that both are equal.

Maybe they could remake all cutscenes and make them in-game (not pre-rendered, like most cutscenes in God of War III for example) so that the discs problem doesn't affect the game that much.

But anyways, when I said it had to be exclusive I was just refering to the fact that exclusives receive a lot more hype than multiplatform games and they tend to sell better than multiplats, not the quality of the game, just the hype and sales :P. I think had Heavy rain not been an exclusive title, It would've sold half of what it sold being an exclusive.

Yeah, I remember someone saying something like "We can't commit ourselves to 2011" implying it would probably not be released in 2011... but who knows? They've been working on this game for so freaking long I think it should go Gold in 6 months from now considering stuff they've been saying like "we have most of the locations already completed, we just need to connect them", "The script is already complete", "Voice casting has begun" (I didn't use the exact words in any of those citations, but they said simillar stuff)... All that should mean that they're close to finishing the game. Besides, they've been working on "details" that aren't that important to finishing the product and should only be done when you are close to the final stages of development... like the clouds using calculations to move around the sky and change the way lightning/shadows are shown.

I guess whatever the code is (if it even is a code for something) we will only learn it's meaning during the conference... And yes, the conference is close and the holidays go by pretty fast so it won't be a long wait to find out... I just hope it's something good.

Well this is the problem, 9GB spent on the actual game, and the rest was cutscenes, its these cutscenes that took up the space on the disk, i think if FFversus has less cutscenes then it wont be a problem to have 1 maybe 2 disks on the 360, then you just swap disks back and forth. i know what you mean, they spent ages porting FF13 to the 360, when it could have been spent more productively. but i dont think Wada will ignore, 1.6 million units sold unfortunatly.

i think there was about 6 hours of cutscenes using the in game, game engine, so not pre-rendered. i think this still takes up all the space on the disk. because its prerecorded with motion capture and voice acting, etc. so imo they just need to trim this down to what, 3 or 4 hours and its okay. but your right, the world map, airships, etc will take up so much space, they might not do a 360 release (remember FF14, Microsoft werent interested), so if they dont want to pay royalities.

yeah i know what you meant when you said exclusive, Heavy Rain, stuff like that, but imo its better for Sony if 3rd party games go multiplatform. hear me out.... if you remember PS1 and PS2, the 3rd party games, far outclassed and outshadowed all the 1st party games.

stuff like Legend of Dragoon, God of War, Twisted Metal, Team Ico, Jak and Daxtar, etc (loads more), were great games, but they forgotten, because of GT, GTA, FF, MGS, etc. now those 3rd parties are gone, (expect of course GT5, which is 1st party), the Sony 1st party has recieved enormous reception, i dont think a game like Demon's Souls, or Heavy Rain, or Uncharted 2 would've been as successful as they are now, if that massive 3rd party support was still here. so while its cool if FFversus stays, it not so bad, i dont know if it can help another FF sell 8 mil, because FF hasnt sold 8 mil in over 7 or 8 years, since FF10. but it will be better for FF if it stays, because it will come out quicker and more likely be a better game.

tbh, i think there will be a big announcement in Jan, for a 2011 release date, its been 5 years at least, or it might be an announcement for FF13-2. but then theres KH3, as well. but i think it will be 2011, because they've had far too much time already. and they've also had 1 year now since FF13, so its BS if they havent finished it yet. WTF have they been doing in 5 years man.

So we agree :P

Why do you want sony's first party studios to shine more than third parties? besides, it's not like Versus XIII being exclusive will make 1st party to stop shining and 3rd party to rise all of a sudden :P

Yeah, I hope it's announced for 2011... it'd better be xD

Sorry I replied so late xD

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

Good sales, although I was disappointed I know many people who like the game and I am glad it outsold FF12 which was even worse imo. However its lagging behind FF8, FF7 and FF10 which does say it isn't quite near them in terms of quality according to consumers.

Actually FFXIII only had 6.8GB of game data. It did have 31.6GBs of CG though -_-

For me this game doesn't deserve those sales but atleast it help S-E to atleast earn some money.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints