1. Gears of War 3
2. Dragon Age II (360)
3. Rage (360)
4. Pokemon Black and White (DS)
5. Test Drive Unlimited 2 (360)
1. Gears of War 3
2. Dragon Age II (360)
3. Rage (360)
4. Pokemon Black and White (DS)
5. Test Drive Unlimited 2 (360)
1: Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)
2: InFamous 2 (Ps3)
3 Motorstorm Apocalypse (PS3)
4 Dissidia 012 (PSP)
5: Portal 2 (Ps3)
1. Rage - 360
2. Bioshock Infinite - 360
3. Gears of War 3 - 360
4. Brink - 360
5. Diablo 3 - PC
1- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) 2- Pokemon Black/White (DS) 3- The Last Story (Wii) 4- Xenoblade (Wii) 5- Conduit 2 (Wii)
1. The Last Story (Wii)
2. Final Fantasy Agito (PSP)
3. Witcher 2 (PC)
4. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
5. Infamous 2 (PS3)
1. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (PC)
2. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (PC)
3. Half-Life 2: Episode 3 (PC)
4. The Last Story (Wii)
5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
1. The Last Guardian - PS3
2. Marvel vs Capcom 3 - PS3
3. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Wii
4. Bioshock Infinite - 360
5. SotC/Ico Collection - PS3
1. final fantasy versus 13
2. final fantasy agito 13
3. final fantasy 14 ps3
4. dragon age 2 ps3
5. dungeon siege 3
1.The Legend of Zelda:Skyward Sword [Wii]
2.Mario Sports Mix [Wii]
3.Kid Icarus:Uprising [3DS]
4.Pikmin 3 [Wii]
5.Mario Kart 3DS [3DS]
1.Dead Space 2 (ps3)
2.Rage (PS3)
3. Twisted Metal (PS3)
4. Killzone 3 (PS3)
5. Infamous (P to the 3)
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