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Forums - General Discussion - Wikileaks + US diplomacy = biggest "diplomatic" storm ever incoming !

Kasz216 said:

I mean, lets cover EVERY scenario.  Even the far fetched.

1) The UK denies to send him to Sweden.

Winners: Assange & Wikileaks

2) The UK sends him to Sweden, and he's let go.

Winners: Assange & Wikileaks

3) The UK sends him to Sweden and he's put in jail.

Winners: Assange & Wikileaks, even if he really is guilt, too many conspiracy theorests like you wouldn't believe it, so it only helps wikileaks and makes it look like they're persecuted.

4) The UK sends him to Sweeden and he is sent to the US and is found innocnet.

Winners:  Assange and Wikileaks.

5) The UK sends him to Sweeden, and to the US and he is put to death.

Winner: Wikileaks.  They have other members, and now they have a marytr who was killed under a law literally no legal expert said he would be found guilty over.  This is their biggest win yet.

6) He is killed somewhere enroute.

Winner: Wikileaks.  Again, they have their own martyr.


Where in this was there the least bit of benefit for the US government or Sweden?  People pretty much ALWAYS side with the accused on rape charges anyway, famous or not.  It's like the WORST crime you could try and frame someone for because even most people who comit the crime get off and get a pat on their back.


Great analysis.

The rape accusation is just a big pain.Literally every article or comment I hear or read believes it's just USA trying to frame him.

Wikileaks already won. Assange is a big martyr, the hero of the common people, civilian of the decade, a future Nobel Peace price winner and so on. It's disgusting.

And I agree that rapists almost always win too.

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I mean if I were that second woman I'd be calling for that girls (Assange's) head!


She has a 1 night stand with someone a couple nights before, in which the condom broke, then woke me up with sex without a condom a couple days after, well before any STD tests could come back to know if he got any STDs from the guy 2 nights before?

Oh hell no.  Who the hell else was she sleeping with without a condom and who knows what she might have, even if she's disease free, there was a very good chance she could of had all kind of diseases and been exposing them too me!

I mean shit, you wouldn't be pissed?  Girl could of given you AIDS.

That she can take the issue so calmly is a testament to her live and let live personality.

Oh, and by the way, just so you get the point...

if a friend comes into your house and takes your PSP to borrow without consent.  He actually still is stealing your PSP.

It's just nothing you are going to report to the police because your friends and you understand it.

There can't be any distinction in a law for how well you know someone because otherwise that leads to abuse of the distinction to get away with crime.

For example a different friend who's a bit sketchier you know just as well coming into your house and pawning your PSP for money.


If you report someone broke into your house to the police, you've basically given up your right to decide whether or not the guilty party is prosecuted.


Kasz216 said:
benao87 said:

Here are your sexual charges -.-

"The two Swedish women who accuse WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual misconduct were at first not seeking to bring charges against him. They just wanted to track him down and persuade him to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, according to several people in contact with his entourage at the time." -Reuters-

Just because you don't want to charge someone for a crime doesn't mean the state won't charge someone for a crime.  If you assault someone in an alleyway and they turn out to be a sadomaschist and not mind... you still committed a crime... and chances are the police will still prosecute you.

Just because a victim doesn't want to press charges doesn't mean the state won't.  Which is why all the "CIA conspiracy and she works with them" stuff always made me laugh... as did the "They want to get back at him! wild accusatsions" when all evidence pointed to the fact that they reported what happened not even sure it counted as a crime.

People are just making up wild and outlandish stories because they want to protect the guy because he's famous.

When they should let him just go to court, likely be cleared of the rape charges even though what he's accused of is rape and there doesn't seem to be much arguement about the situation, and let the whole thing go.

Could you please confirm me if you read the whole article. Thanks.

benao87 said:
Kasz216 said:
benao87 said:

Here are your sexual charges -.-

"The two Swedish women who accuse WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual misconduct were at first not seeking to bring charges against him. They just wanted to track him down and persuade him to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, according to several people in contact with his entourage at the time." -Reuters-

Just because you don't want to charge someone for a crime doesn't mean the state won't charge someone for a crime.  If you assault someone in an alleyway and they turn out to be a sadomaschist and not mind... you still committed a crime... and chances are the police will still prosecute you.

Just because a victim doesn't want to press charges doesn't mean the state won't.  Which is why all the "CIA conspiracy and she works with them" stuff always made me laugh... as did the "They want to get back at him! wild accusatsions" when all evidence pointed to the fact that they reported what happened not even sure it counted as a crime.

People are just making up wild and outlandish stories because they want to protect the guy because he's famous.

When they should let him just go to court, likely be cleared of the rape charges even though what he's accused of is rape and there doesn't seem to be much arguement about the situation, and let the whole thing go.

Could you please confirm me if you read the whole article. Thanks.

Yes.  Why?

I even read the last part where they mention he intentionally left the country when he knew the police wanted to question him.

Whole thing makes you wonder if they got infected with a disease... but that's just baseless speculation.

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"WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops"

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

"WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops"

Wow... now that one... is the worst one yet by... about 10,000 on  a scale of 1 to 2.

NJ5 said:

"WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops"

So US funded a US company to sell and rape little boys. Classy.

shio said:
NJ5 said:

"WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops"

So US funded a US company to sell and rape little boys. Classy.


They funded an orginzation that sold and raped little boys.

They didn't fund the orginzation TO do that.

There is a world of difference there.

If I pay my gardner to cut my grass... and while doing it he pulls out a gun and guns down 10 people, I did not pay him to gun down 10 people.  (For the record I don't have a gardner... or a lawn for that matter.)

Though it is horrible they didn't cancel their contract after the incident.

For those who think Assange is just paranoid and the US couldn't possibly be seeking his extradition:

"Informal discussions have already taken place between US and Swedish officials over the possibility of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being delivered into American custody, according to diplomatic sources."


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957