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Forums - Gaming Discussion - THQ 40 dollar Plan: Will it Work

THQ plan to combat Used games destroying the industry has this new plan that will first see its way for MX vs AT game

The plan is this:

-They will sell the game new for $40 USD 

-The games will incorporate an in game store where you can buy an heap of unlockables: eg bikes, tracks etc for MX 

-All core features such as online etc will remain in that  $40 dollar purchase 

-The gamer and used game gamer can choose to expand there game by buying stuff from the store which can range from 20-40 dollars on top.

According to THQ VP it is an very user friendly method that doesn't restricted the used game gamer but gives them a way to generate money from used game and from new games on top.

not an bad idea to go next to EA's Project 10 dollar. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

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As long as they don't charge me for things that should be in a full game, it seems kinda ok.


thats fine but arent they charging for online if you buy a used copy of smackdown vs raw 2011?

Sounds like a good idea. Atleast someone is trying something new. The gaming business model is over due for changes. I like how it gives the end user the chioce in what they get. My personal prefernce for ending used games is standard price drops after a specific time or amount of copies sold. Essentially making used copies bought by stores worth less if the new game drops in price by $10 every month or something similar.

For 40€ I'd imagine they're going to sell half of the game. The other half is unlockable via paid DLC.

this butt rape with DLC and second hand games will only end when cloud gaming kicks off. Till that time, this is all bullshit.

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really what they should do is what the movies do

have an period time selling new before used games can be sold like a few months. 

every time i go to EB games they ask you to trade in old games because people are buying them. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

I dont mind this, it seems like a decent idea

Mr.Metralha said:

For 40€ I'd imagine they're going to sell half of the game. The other half is unlockable via paid DLC.

this butt rape with DLC and second hand games will only end when cloud gaming kicks off. Till that time, this is all bullshit.

You think cloud gaming is going to be better?  Publishers will just make it so that you never actually own anything.

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theRepublic said:
Mr.Metralha said:

For 40€ I'd imagine they're going to sell half of the game. The other half is unlockable via paid DLC.

this butt rape with DLC and second hand games will only end when cloud gaming kicks off. Till that time, this is all bullshit.

You think cloud gaming is going to be better?  Publishers will just make it so that you never actually own anything.

yep and when they go under so does all your games as well. also what happens when you dont have an internet connection. or the internet goes slow. no gaming 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

I'm really happy THQ are doing this, hopefully they will strike a good balance with content on disc vs. in DLC, so the game still feels right out of the box. Good to see some experimentation in this field.