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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

Because prof tried to be a spoilsport

Linkzmax said:

In order to keep this interesting, as otherwise I count about 9 obvtown and if the rest put the pieces together then town should win without a doubt, I'm going to put it out there that mafia have a flavor scanner.

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Hahaha, I see.

Still, I'm going to say we kill Kamal.

Khuutra said:
Linkzmax said:
Khuutra said:

Let's just take the biggest lurker and string them up. It's better than nothing.

Linkz, who dies tonight?

I'm all for it. MG or Kamal would fit the bill best, pick your poison. Errr, I mean person.

Obviously I can't say without affecting the kill.

I'm fine with you affecting the kill. Why wouldn't you want to affect the kill, exactly?

And I'm going to say

Vote: Kamal

Now let's end this hellish day.

The point is no matter what I am or who I say, it doesn't mean the name I give tonight will die.

Sounds good


Vote: Kamal




*Modkilled* [2,L-8] theprof00: (Khuutra), MetalGear_94, (TruckOSaurus), (radishhead), (nen-suer), theRepublic *Modkilled*


[2,L-7] Kamal: Khuutra, Linkzmax
[2,L-7] c03n3nj0: hatmoza, (Linkzmax), SuperAdrianK
[2,L-7] theRepublic: Kantor, radishhead
[1,L-8] SuperAdrianK: (dtewi), (theRepublic), (theprof00), noname2200, (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        radishead: (dtewi), (Silver-Tiger), (Khuutra)
[0]        Hephaestos: (theprof00), (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        Khuutra: (hatmoza), (dtewi)
[0]        nen-suer: (Linkzmax)

[10]      No vote: Hephaestos, Homer_Simpson, Silver_Tiger, Kamal, TruckOSaurus, nen-suer, dtewi, c03n3nj0, MetalGear_94, theRepublic

With 17 left in the game it should still take 9 votes for a lynch.

Whoa, what did Kamal say? I would vote for him when I see a mob going for his head.


So now that radishhead's role has effectively been modkilled, can we know what the role was?

What bets he was a Youma? >_>

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Kantor said:

So now that radishhead's role has effectively been modkilled, can we know what the role was?

What bets he was a Youma? >_>

It's pretty damn obvious he was youma, kantor. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

c03n3nj0 said:
Kantor said:

So now that radishhead's role has effectively been modkilled, can we know what the role was?

What bets he was a Youma? >_>

It's pretty damn obvious he was youma, kantor. 

I don't even know anymore.

You can't take anything for granted in this round.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Hear me out:

A mafia would love to take this opportunity (as in, the town being confused) to just lay low and wait for a bandwagon created by townies just wanting the day to end. 

I'd rather go for semi-lurkers, those who post a little, but just enough to slip the lurker definition, than actual lurkers like Kamal who are just probably town. 

Don't get me wrong, this is some confusing shit and I don't want to extend it, but randomly voting without at least being strategic about it, is more retarded than the Epic movie. 

I'll go back to look at the thread in a lil' bit.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Kantor said:
c03n3nj0 said:
Kantor said:

So now that radishhead's role has effectively been modkilled, can we know what the role was?

What bets he was a Youma? >_>

It's pretty damn obvious he was youma, kantor. 

I don't even know anymore.

You can't take anything for granted in this round.

Prof was modkilled for talking him into quoting his role PM, which specifically pertained to him being a youma.

Now what do you think he was?