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Fina Fantasy IV is an awesome Role Playng Game (RPG). Final Fantasy IV pioneered many of the features fond in RPG today also was one of the first RPGs to have a more complex plot. I fir. I had a  friend with a Japanese Super Famicom in the mid 1990s and had  a Japanese copy of Final Fantasy IV but I never played back then. I first played Final Fantasy IV PS1 Version on my PS2 about 4 years ago I loved the story and the characters were awesome. My personal Favorite being Rydia.  

The music was awesome to and cool to see the origion of the ATB Battle system in the Final Fantasy Gsmes. I will have to play the DS Version one day to see what game is like in 3D.       



Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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Wow. I'm pretty far behind on this again :/


Will update tomorrow!


Carl2291 said:

Wow. I'm pretty far behind on this again :/

Will update tomorrow!

Stop getting quasi-banned then.

Actually, keep doing it. I rather enjoy hearing Dtwei rage on your wall.

Smeags said:
Carl2291 said:

Wow. I'm pretty far behind on this again :/

Will update tomorrow!

Stop getting quasi-banned then.

Actually, keep doing it. I rather enjoy hearing Dtwei rage on your wall.

Be right back then, just putting the finishing touches on my "Why Forza is now the ultimate racing sim, and why Gran Turismo is shit. Metacritic comparisons!" thread!


OMG I'M SO LATE! Updating tomorrow!


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37. TimeSplitters 2 (GCN)
You wont notice any Call of Duty's on this list. Or Halo's. Or any Counter Strike's. In fact, you won't see many FPS's at all. They great games, to be sure, but a FPS has never really gripped me like other genres have. That is... until TimeSplitters 2 came along. I can't remember why I got this game, seeing how I've never been one to even consider purchasing an FPS... but from the start I knew there was going to be something about this one. For starters, this game doesn't take itself seriously like 99% of other FPS's out there. For that, this game gets a huge nod for me on how refreshing the whole atmosphere is. Also, the multiplayer is astonishingly fun... thanks to its plethora (and deepness) of modes and the addition of splitscreen and bots (sounds weird saying this now... but back in the day these things were an obvious addition to the game. Now when I play it, I'm reminded to be thankful). So many fun times with this game, and I just gotta say... "It's time to SPLIT!"

#36: Killzone 2 (PS3)

One of my favourite FPS games. And of course I'm really hyped for Killzone 3!

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


36. Devil Survivor

My first Shin Megami Tensei game and also one of my favorite SRPGs.  Only played through once, but this game will definitely get another look so I can get a different ending.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

36. Bully: Scholarship Edition (X360)

Bully isn't merely a T-rated Grand Theft Auto, but rather a slice of sandbox heaven that stomps the most recent GTAs into the ground. Free from the pressing need to be "edgy" that makes so many Rockstar North games fairly reek of effort, Rockstar Vancouver seemed to have had as much fun making Bully as I had playing it... and that's a lot of fun! Each night before I lay Carl's mom me down, I pray for a sequel.

36. Doom (PC)

No, not the 'xxx is doomed' game that we often play on these forums, but the classic FPS. Pre-dated only by Wolfenstein 3D, Doom was one of the very first games of its kind, and arguably, it was the one that popularised the genre. I think I was about 10 when I first played this (parenting win!), but I managed to avoid warping my fragile little mind. Mostly....
