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darthdevidem01 said:




My best PSP game.

This game will be hard to describe.....its soooo like a normal MGS game but sooooo unlike a normal MGS at the same time (and for good reasons).

The games whole Outer haven management system is awesome...I had so much fun deciding where to assign each member (EVEN KOJIMA SAN....GOD HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), then developing weapons, doing side missions, recruiting...damn there was SO MUCH STUFF TO DO! I spent longer on this MGS than any other one. But all these extra features ends up making me enjoy the key part of a MGS game less....

because its just about almost as good as any mainline MGS game.

Out of two of my favourite music pieces try as I could I just couldn't find the "la la la la" that "clicky" will simply lead you to a boss battle where you should hear that tune.

Fav Music:

la la lala la during Pupa boss battle

Heaven's Divide

It's better than all but two of them :P  including your f.... *Runs*

it is good choice though. A for darth!

What color did you make zeke? I made mine pink
I'll have to make it my avatar ne time!

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darthdevidem01 said:



I thought you hated PSP lawllawl

Fab_GS said:
darthdevidem01 said:



I thought you hated PSP lawllawl

I love it now though roflrofl!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I've been out during the whole weekend and while at home, my little free time went to finish Read Dead Redemption.
Here's the update from the last game I put here. I was supposed to do this every day. Let's see if I can keep it up.


#42 Prince of Persia

It became an obsession just as soon as I first played it till long before I finished it. Its animations were top notch at the time and it looked as a very mature game. I have the fondest memories of it. Platforming and puzzle at its best.


#41 No More Heroes

This game is so flawed!! Its sandbox elements suck. It is short and if you get the good ending in your first playthrough, as I did, there's no real need to replay it. In my first 15 minutes, I didn't like its graphics, the retro atmosphere took me by surprise and I just didn't like it neither, its combat system seemed way oversimplistic. And there you go. It made it to my top 50. Why is that? Because, after those initial bitterweet 15 minutes and only for a few but very rewarding hours,  it took me on a time travel to my childhood, it made me laugh my ass out and I never quitted to feel excited to find out what crazy bastard was next in line. Hilarious crazy fun!


#40 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

This was my first Guitar Hero experience. And you could argue that others have got better line ups or the download capability. Rock Band is also out there with all those other instruments, even though later Guitar Hero iterations copycat them. The thing was the magic lamp that GHIII allowed me to accomplish a lifetime dream: play guitar and rock! With the other games I just felt I was playing a game, good but nevertheless, there was no new experience, just new songs to memorize. And none other kept me for more than 100 hours playing alone to improve my skill or partying with friends and brothers.

#39 Bioshock

Utopian books as Brave New World and 1984, so political in their contents, always capture my heart, mind and soul. Bioethic topics and genetic manipulation both amaze and frighten me, just as the nuclear bombs did decades ago to generations of peope. So its no wonder that Bioshock makes it to my list considering that takes many of this elements and masterfuly relates a story and manages to provide a different and joyful FPS experience at the same time. Little games out there are so immersive, make you think about ethics and politics and let you enjoy through the ruins of a utopian experiment gone wrong.

Whee! More times to update, let me keep the list moving:

39. Phantasy Star 4 (GEN). Frequently overshadowed by the RPGs on the SNES, PS4 was a damn good game, and a shame that the rest of the series after this... yeah. It ended with a bang, but alas, there were so many other games that it really didn't take off.

38. Ogre Battle 64 (N64). I still think of this as the pinnacle of the Ogre series. Just hard enough, with the depth to keep me playing more.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...

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dunno001 said:

Whee! More times to update, let me keep the list moving:

39. Phantasy Star 4 (GEN). Frequently overshadowed by the RPGs on the SNES, PS4 was a damn good game, and a shame that the rest of the series after this... yeah. It ended with a bang, but alas, there were so many other games that it really didn't take off.

dunno001 said:

Whee! More times to update, let me keep the list moving:

39. Phantasy Star 4 (GEN). Frequently overshadowed by the RPGs on the SNES, PS4 was a damn good game, and a shame that the rest of the series after this... yeah. It ended with a bang, but alas, there were so many other games that it really didn't take off.


Phantasy Star IV is awesome I love the Phantasy Star seires the original Phantasy Star was on my list it was the first RPG I played on the SMS back 1988 the seires that made my love RPGs.

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

can downloadable games be added. Sorry i dont really want to read all the posts xD

My #38: Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)

My first PS3 game and the first FPS game that I finished on consoles. It was really a surprise that I liked it so much.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


39. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

To be quite honest here, I thought this game was supperior in almost every way to the original. It had better gameplay, got rid of the hub world, had better beam katanas, had better mini-games, seriously I cant believe this game isn't in my top 10, but the one huge problem that I had with this game was that for some reason I wasn't enticed by the story or most of the assassains that you had to kill in this game and for me, that is what made the first NMH a classic to me. This game has it all, but the problem is that the people you kill don't seem to be worth killing. Few bosses leave the impression that they were worth killing but the few that do are spectacular as hell. I playing as henry and shinobu was fun (exluding platforming.) I think the main reason I like this game so much is because I have the first NMH in such high regard. Once I beat the game, I felt a little dissapointed, but then I read an article on destructiod called "What No More Heroes 2 means to me" and it put so much of the game I didn't understand into a higher and more deeper context. I played the game on bitter after that and shockingly this game became something even more. I suggest everyone who wants to play this game read that article after you beat the game because it made me appreciate this game more than the face value that it deserves. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

#38 Arkham Asylum
It's a Great my opinion it does many things good-great (Platforming/Combat/Puzzles/Atmosphere) and puts it into one awesome package. With Dialoge being the only thing I think it excels in. The Joker, being my favorite (I'm Evil Villain) in a videogame with Mark Hamill as the voice actor from the fantastic Animated series as well as others.

There's not really a lot to put here, other then that most the elements I wasn't Like ZOMG this element is amazing. And it's not really greater than the sum of its parts. So It's a great game that doesn't have enough oomph (don't know how to describe it) to be higher on my list. But a great great game nonetheless. And obviously one of my favorites ever.