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I've been out during the whole weekend and while at home, my little free time went to finish Read Dead Redemption.
Here's the update from the last game I put here. I was supposed to do this every day. Let's see if I can keep it up.


#42 Prince of Persia

It became an obsession just as soon as I first played it till long before I finished it. Its animations were top notch at the time and it looked as a very mature game. I have the fondest memories of it. Platforming and puzzle at its best.


#41 No More Heroes

This game is so flawed!! Its sandbox elements suck. It is short and if you get the good ending in your first playthrough, as I did, there's no real need to replay it. In my first 15 minutes, I didn't like its graphics, the retro atmosphere took me by surprise and I just didn't like it neither, its combat system seemed way oversimplistic. And there you go. It made it to my top 50. Why is that? Because, after those initial bitterweet 15 minutes and only for a few but very rewarding hours,  it took me on a time travel to my childhood, it made me laugh my ass out and I never quitted to feel excited to find out what crazy bastard was next in line. Hilarious crazy fun!


#40 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

This was my first Guitar Hero experience. And you could argue that others have got better line ups or the download capability. Rock Band is also out there with all those other instruments, even though later Guitar Hero iterations copycat them. The thing was the magic lamp that GHIII allowed me to accomplish a lifetime dream: play guitar and rock! With the other games I just felt I was playing a game, good but nevertheless, there was no new experience, just new songs to memorize. And none other kept me for more than 100 hours playing alone to improve my skill or partying with friends and brothers.

#39 Bioshock

Utopian books as Brave New World and 1984, so political in their contents, always capture my heart, mind and soul. Bioethic topics and genetic manipulation both amaze and frighten me, just as the nuclear bombs did decades ago to generations of peope. So its no wonder that Bioshock makes it to my list considering that takes many of this elements and masterfuly relates a story and manages to provide a different and joyful FPS experience at the same time. Little games out there are so immersive, make you think about ethics and politics and let you enjoy through the ruins of a utopian experiment gone wrong.