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darthdevidem01 said:




My best PSP game.

This game will be hard to describe.....its soooo like a normal MGS game but sooooo unlike a normal MGS at the same time (and for good reasons).

The games whole Outer haven management system is awesome...I had so much fun deciding where to assign each member (EVEN KOJIMA SAN....GOD HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), then developing weapons, doing side missions, recruiting...damn there was SO MUCH STUFF TO DO! I spent longer on this MGS than any other one. But all these extra features ends up making me enjoy the key part of a MGS game less....

because its just about almost as good as any mainline MGS game.

Out of two of my favourite music pieces try as I could I just couldn't find the "la la la la" that "clicky" will simply lead you to a boss battle where you should hear that tune.

Fav Music:

la la lala la during Pupa boss battle

Heaven's Divide

It's better than all but two of them :P  including your f.... *Runs*

it is good choice though. A for darth!

What color did you make zeke? I made mine pink
I'll have to make it my avatar ne time!