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Peter Molyneux's BEST game. This was such an awesome could literally spend hours on it. Before LBP brought in "PLAY CREATE SHARE" as a new concept to me....this game had it.

I spent countless hours on this trying to make my new film gross more than the last....trying to groom the stars really well, spoil them and make sure they win awards every time....trying to turn profit each year.....building new sets, researching new technologies. There was so much to do.

Then of course the amazing online community...TheMovies had a web site where users could upload movies they make....people added voiceovers to their movies....then mod communities started and they made their own sets....people made amazing custom Star Wars sets. Then the site had a ranking for highest ranked film, most watched film and so on. It was like a box office and a movie theatre in one....except movies were free to watch. In time people formed review guilds and the forums even hosted their own "unofficial" awards ceremony. Unfortunately the site has been closed down now. But loads of members moved to the unofficial site which has a similar layout.

But some of the films made and uploaded on to the online community were fabulous....I still remember one film which dwelved into prostituition, monarchy and told a touching tale, then the movie based on Cleopatra was awesome....some truly creative people are out there!

The Stunts and Effects expansion packs added in free camera roaming allowing you to really be the "cameraman" which was awesome as it was like actually doing the cinematography for a movie!

This game should have sold 10 times the amount it sold......I still hope there's a "The Movies 2"

Peter Moleyneaux said recently he's NEVER made a "great" game....I disagree with him.

Fav Music:

There's no specific theme or music piece due to the nature of the game

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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pariz said:
darthdevidem01 said:


@Cranky storming

Your whole reasoning against the battle system goes against its fundamental pace.

There's no point in continuing this conversation because its like arguing against someone who went into a COD game wanting a VAT's Fallout 3 type combat system.....of course you won't get the latter....its not the aim of the game's combat system, never was. (Its been 9 years since the last turn based FF game....main series)

Your two interventions perfectly explained what I couldn't. Stupid me. Thanks.

lol no problem

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Smeags said:

43. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)

This was the first of three Castlevania games on the DS, and it was my second Castlevania experience. To be said, this is the game that made me a Castlevania nutter. Level 99, every item collected, every challenge cleared, every room searched for every little secret. Heck, even Julius mode was completed with utmost fervor. There was a time where I would play this until the middle of the night, go to sleep, and wake up just to pick it back up and play some more (hooray for Sleep Mode!). The game is super fun, super challenging (Puppet Master took me a while to take down, to be sure), and always satisfying. Plus, those hand drawn sprite graphics are gorgeous, and the music is fantastic. It's just a fantastic game that will always be remembered with fondness.

Great choice!  I originally had it on my list until I remembered I own it's predecessor, so that's what I went with.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

No. 42: Rise of Nations (PC)

First RTS game on the list and what an RTS it is! This game is so very addictive. Spaning the dawn of civilisation to the modern day, this game blended the balanced RTS of Age of Empires with the depth of Civilisation into one awesome package. I love civilisation and epoch based strategy games so this was right up my alley. The game was just great fun. The only downside was if the game went to the final age then things became very insane to the point where strategy went out the window and you just went all out. To be honest though, I kinda liked the insanity!



Lara Croft and the Guardian of LIght
This is the most fun multiplayer game I've ever played. The co-op is so fun. Each character Lara and Totec. And they each have very different abilities. This is an isometretic shooter/puzzle game. The isometric parts are similar to gauntlent as you get different guns/flamethrowers, and an inventory.  So it has Light RPG elements. There's also puzzles that are easier than found in typical tomb raider. But fit what it is trying to do. As they are clever, and require co-operation between two players. The gunfights... are simple but fun, as you also have bombs to move things and kill bad guys with.

The negatives. Are, it's a 15 dollar game so it's about 5 hours long... though replaying it is fun. And the story is bad. Not that it tried to be good. Not that it's unexpected. The graphics.... (I wish I would have boughten the PC version) are good quality but not near as pretty as Tomb Raider UnderWorld on PC.

Now on to #42 I think

#43 or 42 I have to check I can't find it. All in my opinion ofcourse

Final Fantasy IX. I originally had this ranked higher. But I've been playing it and it's gonna go lower. The plusses first.
Zidane Is the best Male Lead in Any Final Fantasy. and is imo the best lead in the whole series period.
Garnet is interesting, but it's the interactions with Zidane that make this special. I'll be honest... I like love stories >_>. The flirting dialogue is clever. And is a good change of pace from the "Destined to be together like FFIV, FFVIII, and FFX"  This makes me at times want to rank it more highly.
The Garnet Cutting her hair scene is really cute
I also love the Eiko semi-but-not really love triangle she's so cute.
Steiner and Beatrix also Define Awesome.
The artstyle is incredibly charming. As well as the dialogue.
Quina is funny, even though she is quite possibly the stupidest idea for a character in the FF series, ever. I count this as a plus.

Queene Brahne is awesome.

The bad
Armarant and particularly freya are really bad characters.
The Story... Like FFXIII's has potential but really doesn't reach it. The characterization as I said above with Garnet and Zidane, Steiner, Eiko and Beatrixis the reason why I love it.
The battlesystem, is too slow even with ATB turned up. (And no I wasn't overleveled or dieing I've beat it 3 times) and I compared it directly to FFVIII by playing it right after it's too slow, and thus boring, and if a game revolves around battles... I think they slowed it down to accomadate 4 characters... but they didn't need to, and I don't like 4 characters anyways. It's too many pokemons.

The ability management system. While is good. Not as good as the Job System, GF Junction System, or Sphere Type Grid. imo Having to keep track of items without selling them to gain certain abilities is annoying. Especially when you have a better item you want to equip but can't.  Because you're trying to learn another ability.

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43.The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

past performences do not equal future results. This was one of the best kicks in the face I ever had and I'm glad I got this Zelda. I Bought Phantom Hourglass and while still fun, I felt that they made some bad game decisions (temple of the Ocean King, only ship control.) This game, however, took note of the problems and fixed them. I didn't like sailing in PH but I loved it in Wind Waker. In this game they managed to get back that great feeling of travel and exploration you love to have when traveling Hyrule. The dungeons and bosses were epic and the items were just as fun (sand wand FTW.) Even customizing your train and turning it into a cake was enjoyable. This is handsdown the best handheld zelda and is the first zelda games on this list. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

My #42: Resistance 2

Great FPS, especially the co-op was really nice!

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


42) Tekken 5 (PS2)



My first time playing a Tekken game. I was having dinner at a friends house and after we went off to play the PS2 and to show off this new game called Tekken 5 and boy was I glad that he showed me Tekken 5. We played it for hours and the day after I went out to buy Tekken 5 rightaway. I got hooked into the 3D Fighting stuff and Tekken 5 pretty much became my favourite Fighting Game.

The Solid Arcade was was great fun trying to beat everyone and getting all the gold. Addictive fighting mechanics and best of all, great fun to play with friends. And yes Asuka kicks ass and I kick ass using her. She's been my primary character since 5 and still is for 6 and will be for Street Figther X Tekken, Tekken X Street Fighter and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

darthdevidem01 said:

Your whole reasoning against the battle system goes against its fundamental pace.

There's no point in continuing this conversation because its like arguing against someone who went into a COD game wanting a VAT's Fallout 3 type combat system.....of course you won't get the latter....its not the aim of the game's combat system, never was. (Its been 9 years since the last turn based FF game....main series)

If I wanted ultra-fast-paced battles, I woldn't play a Final Fantasy game, I'd play something like TWEWY.

I like how you try to justify your convictions by comparing a shift in focus of one franchise to 2 games in different genres to each other.

The challenge in the previous installments came from holding your nerve. Working out not necessarily what attack to use, but when to use it, how long to put off healing, is it necessary to go the whole hog with Firaga or stick with Fira to conserve MP. While that's part of the reason that *spoiler: my favourite installment misses out on the no. 1 spot*, I certainly find it more of a direct challenge than tweaking the AI settings. I feel like I'm doing more, and no matter how competent any AI is, or the number of options it gives me to arrange it, it just can't replace letting me take control myself, or the sense of empowerment I get from doing so.

There is no point in continuing this conversation, so why did you? Notice how I had ended the conversation in the previous post by finishing with a compliment to another element of the game in question, and then went on to reply to another point of discussion. You didn't need to keep on after that, and neither do I, so...

@CrossX - I'm still confused about the whole Tekken X Street Fighter thing. What's the difference between them?

darth and cranky are like a married couple.