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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

nordlead said:

I just posted my first set of games. No one posted on my wall!! Anyways, I should be able to keep it up to date for the most part

Both Carl and myself posted on your wall!

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45)Super Mario Bros 3

Perhaps it is kind of ironic that this ridiculous thread surfaced on the same day as my #45 pick. 

Admittedly I'm not an NES connisuer, so it should come as no surprise this is my lone third gen title. SNES was my first console, so anything prior at times can at times seem shallow.  I respect many of the groundbreaking titles from that era, but they aren't part of my memorable first moments of gaming.  One of those exceptions was Super mario bros 3.  In comparison to the Super mario legion, this title had some great suits including the raccoon suit, frog suit, and most noticably the level-limited boot.  All around this game was great.  I guess my biggest gripe was the difficulty level.  In terms of completion, the game was fairly easy.  Still, this was an important game and personally my favorite of the third gen.  Is it my favorite mario game?...well you'll just have to wait to find out.

Boutros said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Boutros said:

45. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (PC)

The mix of the best movie trilogy with a great RTS system was perfectly achieved with Battle for Middle-earth II. It evolved so much from it's predecessor. The music was AMAZING (obviously) and everything else was AMAZING as well! I just love everything LotR.


Addictive game!

But obviously I disagree with the "best movie trilogy bit" tehehe

You are right! How could I foget Spider-Man!

Disagree disagre disagreeeee

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Boutros said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Boutros said:

45. The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (PC)

The mix of the best movie trilogy with a great RTS system was perfectly achieved with Battle for Middle-earth II. It evolved so much from it's predecessor. The music was AMAZING (obviously) and everything else was AMAZING as well! I just love everything LotR.


Addictive game!

But obviously I disagree with the "best movie trilogy bit" tehehe

You are right! How could I foget Spider-Man!

Disagree disagre disagreeeee

But there's 6 movies...ok Star Wars is the best Double-Trilogy!


Uncharted rocks! And the first game on the series snags place 45 with ease. A great TPS for the PS3, but above everything an amazing and innovative adventure experience. Played on the PS3, of course.

And beware, the next three titles in this list are going to be polemical...






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44. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)

Diddy Kong Racing is Nintendo's other great kart racer (plus hover craft and plane racer). It even did things above and beyond any Mario Kart game with it's central hub area from which you accessed the various races. It also had a story, as you had to defeat the evil Wizpig who had attempted to take over the island where the game takes place. The game obviously featured Diddy Kong, but it also introduced Banjo and Conker (who obviously seriously fell off the wagon after this game), who both went on to star in their own games. Other than the Mario Kart series, this is the best arcade racer in existence.


44- Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)

No. 44: Duke Nukem 3D

Hail to the King Baby! Probably the fourth FPS I ever played, and boy was it fun. Great action, fun enemies (pig cops anyone?), original weaponry, the most cliched hero in existence, sexual content and some good adult humor to boot (which was extra funny c'os I was only 9/10 when I first played it :P). After games like Doom and Wolfenstein where you could only shoot straight, it was refreshing to have a game where you could not only aim up and down, but also fly around in a jetpack. Basically, a fun FPS that doesn't take itself too seriously (seriously, ripping an alien's head of and taking a dump down it's neck?!). 

#43 (sorry I doubled a number so I won't post for a day, its fixed now) Persona 3: FES.
Though Persona 4 was more polished in gameplay  I enjoyed the setting, characters, and plot much more in this.
This game had great dialogue (better than most final fantasy's) A great Cast of Characters. -OK to great voice acting And even a Great Battle System.

Why didn't I rank it higher? Simple, it is a bit too repetitive, more repetetive than certain other JRPG's And though most games are repetitive to an extent, this feels a bit too repetetive to me atleast. Tarturas (forgot how to spell) is filled with randomly generated dungeons keeping the dungeons mostly uninteresting as they change themes every 10-15 floors or so. You do get special events every month where the settings change... and this is a good change of pace. The plus side is that there are no random battles. There are many memorable events in this game. And the dating sim aspect is a blast to see the outcomes. As well as interesting if you piss them off. As well as the the integration the dating sim has into the gameplay. And the many persona's one can aquire.

Once again this game is a great great game. But it suffers from a few things, a great but repetitive soundtrack... because of the limited number of tracks. Repetitive Dungeons. And A length that goes on a bit too long, beings that it's main shortcoming is being a bit too repetive. That said it's an amazing unforgetable experience and gets #44 on my list.

@Milky Joe

Nice one, I love Diddy Kong Racing. It was my first 3D game (and first N64 game). I still remember the first time I booted it up!

Pipsy was my main.