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45)Super Mario Bros 3

Perhaps it is kind of ironic that this ridiculous thread surfaced on the same day as my #45 pick. 

Admittedly I'm not an NES connisuer, so it should come as no surprise this is my lone third gen title. SNES was my first console, so anything prior at times can at times seem shallow.  I respect many of the groundbreaking titles from that era, but they aren't part of my memorable first moments of gaming.  One of those exceptions was Super mario bros 3.  In comparison to the Super mario legion, this title had some great suits including the raccoon suit, frog suit, and most noticably the level-limited boot.  All around this game was great.  I guess my biggest gripe was the difficulty level.  In terms of completion, the game was fairly easy.  Still, this was an important game and personally my favorite of the third gen.  Is it my favorite mario game?...well you'll just have to wait to find out.