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i have 4 zeldas's

I have 7 FF's
5 FF's
And 4 MGS's without a certain one that darth has in his ahahahah

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darthdevidem01 said:
Smeags said:

OutlawAuron so far has God of War II, Assassin's Creed II, and Bioshock 2 in his top 50...

Which sequel will be next?


this game will be very very high darth. Melting your brains and killing you in the process :P

Khuutra said:
outlawauron said:
darthdevidem01 said:
outlawauron said:

Oh, this baby is certainly on my list. But it'll have to wait a bit to be revealed.

tehehe I wonder how many FF games are on your list

Final Fantasy makes up 20% of my list.

I had to limit myself to six Zelda games to keep this from happening to me

4 Final Fantasies

3 Metal Gear Solids

2 Zeldas

I think I've done well on not overloading a certain series!


pearljammer said:


PixelJunk Monsters

I love tower defense games. And this unique, charming tower defense game has it all. Its difficulty level is high,  (for perfection), the mechanics are simple and fun, the presentation is wonderful, the music is great, as a package it is likely the most charming game I'd ever played and it has co-op. If you're at all a tower defense fan and own either a PS3 or a PSP, you really shouldn't go without playing this game.

Fucking amazing choice!

No. 46: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii, also on Gamecube)

My favourite Wii game so far, and the first non-handheld title of the gen to make the list. This brought so many memories back of the 2D Zelda's having skipped the N64 and and Gamecube. It epitomised so many things that make Zelda the great franchise it is today. Solid combat, fun overworld, interesting dungeons and the introduction of some gameplay elements like the wolf changing dynamic worked really well and added a new dimension to the game. Not without its flaws, for instance it seemed that some of the dungeons weren't integrated into the game as a whole as certain items were redundant after their first dungeon. However, overall it was a brilliant game.

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Scoobes said:

No. 46: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii, also on Gamecube)

My favourite Wii game so far, and the first non-handheld title of the gen to make the list. This brought so many memories back of the 2D Zelda's having skipped the N64 and and Gamecube. It epitomised so many things that make Zelda the great franchise it is today. Solid combat, fun overworld, interesting dungeons and the introduction of some gameplay elements like the wolf changing dynamic worked really well and added a new dimension to the game. Not without its flaws, for instance it seemed that some of the dungeons weren't integrated into the game as a whole as certain items were redundant after their first dungeon. However, overall it was a brilliant game.

why did you skip the n64 zelda's. :( download them now! on wii ware... or not so uhh legal places.

patapon said:
pearljammer said:


PixelJunk Monsters

I love tower defense games. And this unique, charming tower defense game has it all. Its difficulty level is high,  (for perfection), the mechanics are simple and fun, the presentation is wonderful, the music is great, as a package it is likely the most charming game I'd ever played and it has co-op. If you're at all a tower defense fan and own either a PS3 or a PSP, you really shouldn't go without playing this game.

Fucking amazing choice!

I really struggled placing this one. At one point I had it placed it as high as 32nd. Really, really love this game.

There's also another PixelJunk game I had trouble placing.

ishiki said:
Scoobes said:

No. 46: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii, also on Gamecube)

My favourite Wii game so far, and the first non-handheld title of the gen to make the list. This brought so many memories back of the 2D Zelda's having skipped the N64 and and Gamecube. It epitomised so many things that make Zelda the great franchise it is today. Solid combat, fun overworld, interesting dungeons and the introduction of some gameplay elements like the wolf changing dynamic worked really well and added a new dimension to the game. Not without its flaws, for instance it seemed that some of the dungeons weren't integrated into the game as a whole as certain items were redundant after their first dungeon. However, overall it was a brilliant game.

why did you skip the n64 zelda's. :( download them now! on wii ware... or not so uhh legal places.

I've got OoT on VC Wii now (and actually my mate gave me a modded ROM version with updated graphics that I never tried). I know some of the stuff in Twilight Princess is directly from OoT (e.g. dungeons/areas that have radically changed since OoT) so I do want to play it. Hell, I wanted to play it when it came out but I didn't have an N64. I've started it now but I haven't played it anywhere near enough to be able to give a fair review of the game, thus it hasn't made the list.

Just got way too much other stuff to play at the moment. I'll get round to it at somepoint though.

Khuutra said:
outlawauron said:
darthdevidem01 said:
outlawauron said:

Oh, this baby is certainly on my list. But it'll have to wait a bit to be revealed.

tehehe I wonder how many FF games are on your list

Final Fantasy makes up 20% of my list.

I had to limit myself to six Zelda games to keep this from happening to me

My view is summed up as:

Why punish excellence in favor of something else that may have fallen short?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Khuutra said:

I had to limit myself to six Zelda games to keep this from happening to me

My view is summed up as:

Why punish excellence in favor of something else that may have fallen short?

It makes a boring list.