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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

Carl2291 said:

Okay. So I posted my number 49.


"49. Turrican

Loved this game. Lots. That's all there is to say really. Amazing soundtrack too!

Here's a 1 Hour 30 Minutes longplay video for people interested enough to watch a bit of gameplay. Don't watch it all, obviously... Unless you need to fap!"

Your profile says your 19, yet you managed to play some classic and rather old games.

The sign of a true video gaming conisseur!

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Scoobes said:

Your profile says your 19, yet you managed to play some classic and rather old games.

The sign of a true video gaming conisseur!

I've played loads of old games

Alien Breed, Super Frog, All the Dizzy games, Rainbow Islands, Monkey Island 1/2, Zak Mckracken and the Alien Mindbenders, Indiana Jones, Brutal Sports, Addams Family, Ghosts n Goblins, Chuck Rock...

Those are just off the top of my head


Carl2291 said:
Scoobes said:

Your profile says your 19, yet you managed to play some classic and rather old games.

The sign of a true video gaming conisseur!

I've played loads of old games

Alien Breed, Super Frog, All the Dizzy games, Rainbow Islands, Monkey Island 1/2, Zak Mckracken and the Alien Mindbenders, Indiana Jones, Brutal Sports, Addams Family, Ghosts n Goblins, Chuck Rock...

Those are just off the top of my head

Wow, you're a proper retro-head! I look forward to the rest of your list

Carl2291 said:
Scoobes said:

Your profile says your 19, yet you managed to play some classic and rather old games.

The sign of a true video gaming conisseur!

I've played loads of old games

Alien Breed, Super Frog, All the Dizzy games, Rainbow Islands, Monkey Island 1/2, Zak Mckracken and the Alien Mindbenders, Indiana Jones, Brutal Sports, Addams Family, Ghosts n Goblins, Chuck Rock...

Those are just off the top of my head

Those are some awesome retro games!

One of my Favorite Game series.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

No. 49 is up!

Crazy Taxi (Arcade/Gamecube - 1999)

One of the finer games I enjoyed playing at arcades.  Running down and cutting off anyone in your way to get bitchy customers to their destination.  Playing it on consoles couldn't match the intensity of playing it in arcade form, but it was still fun.  It is one Gamecube game I will never get rid of.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

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Tayne said:

No. 49 is up!

Crazy Taxi (Arcade/Gamecube - 1999)

One of the finer games I enjoyed playing at arcades.  Running down and cutting off anyone in your way to get bitchy customers to their destination.  Playing it on consoles couldn't match the intensity of playing it in arcade form, but it was still fun.  It is one Gamecube game I will never get rid of.

Good choice

I heard they were gonna make a new one

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Number 49

Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe is the very spirit of coolness condensed and then given a game which suits him. In a time where 2D brawlers were effectively dead and cartoon stylings were rare indeed, Viewtiful Joe bucked every gritty, pseudo-realistic, taking-itself-too-seriously trend in the business. The game Veiwtiful Joe is rock hard, lightning quick, and built on a simple but extremely satisfying combat system which is easy to pick up and almost impossible to master. Twitch-based brawler gameplay was given a shot of adrenaline directly into its heart, and the result was one of the best brawlers I ever played.

Tayne said:

No. 49 is up!

Crazy Taxi (Arcade/Gamecube - 1999)

One of the finer games I enjoyed playing at arcades.  Running down and cutting off anyone in your way to get bitchy customers to their destination.  Playing it on consoles couldn't match the intensity of playing it in arcade form, but it was still fun.  It is one Gamecube game I will never get rid of.

I had so much fun with that game. Good choice. I always see this arcade machine at motorway service stations but I never have time to stop and play it. If only my Dreamcast was still working.

I'm trying to guess patapon's next game.

1 of 3...


Today, playing Maniac Mansion would seem to many like a chore. In it's time, its controls were seen as fine, and its SCUMM system as revolutionary. However, regardless of the time period one would experience Maniac Mansion, it would typically be appreciated for its hilarity and its great puzzles. I remember both my brother and I logging dozens of hours into this game in an attempt to view the multiple endings for each character. This was the game that had started my obsession with LucasFilm Games in the early nineties.