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25-21, Into the second half.

25. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 (PS2)

It was tough to choose which DDR game I wanted to put here since the main differences tended to be songs.  This might not have been my favorite set of songs however.  What pushed this one to the top of my DDR list was the extent of the mission mode that the game provided.  It felt the most complete by far of the games I had been played and the missions ranged from really easy for people who wanted to get started, to borderline cruel to all but the top tier of players.  I wish I had gotten a chance to play the online mode because as fun as playing with friends was, at times it got a bit stale.  The online features seemed like an interesting addition to the already very complete game.

24. .hack//Infection (PS2)

This is one of those cases where an anime blended into a game quite well because the anime was about a video game.  The computer terminal you access the game within a game from also provides forums and emails from other players, creating a wonderful and novel sense of atmosphere for the game.  The at times cryptic story and the ways in which you obtain more information as you travel keep you on edge throughout the course of the game.  The game does a wonderful job of giving you the MMO feel without the cost or the annoying part of their userbase.  As always with .hack, the music is wonderful as well.  The gameplay is your standard action RPG fare and there are plenty of quirky features spread throughout the game to add to the fun.  The bosses also make the drain mechanic more interesting which lends some depth to the combat.

23. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

This game was largely the reason I got the system and it did not disappoint for a moment.  Given the limits of the system it's amazing how much content is in this game.  It seems like games have offered less and less as years go on.  Playing around with all of the items until you got the hang of what to use in every situation was fun on its on.  The dungeons did a good job of guiding you without skipping on the puzzles of making it through successfully.  Finding items that aren't needed but were helpful was often as fun as the main quest itself.  The bosses for the most part each had some quirk for how to damage them without seeming unfair.  The story was about average but they did a good job of giving you a feel for each of the characters.

22. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2)

My favorite game from the Star Ocean series, it has an interesting mix of standard fantasy fare and sci-fi as you're dropped from the stars onto less developed planets.  This was the first game I played with an item creation mechanic and was always excited to see what new items I might be able to invent.  The battle system was close enough to what I was used to that having to keep track of character positioning didn't turn into to big of a deal.  I really loved the story, even if it could be considered completely over the top; it presents a fantastical world view that one could only dream of being true.  In addition the battle trophies were my first introduction to any sort of achievement system and provided neat little challenges (beating a boss without taking damage on accident halfway through the game still confuses me).

21. Fire Emblem (GBA)

This is the first tactical RPG I got completely involved in and has really turned the variant into one of my favorites.  Winning an individual battle was one thing but keeping the characters you want alive and leveling properly forced you to adjust your strategies when an important ally is in trouble.  In aaddition the range of main characters, weapons, and classes adds excellent depth to the experience.  The game wouldn't let you just build up one super powered character so making sure your team was well balanced was an important par of progressing through the game.  I loved the story and elements such as support keep the strategy from becoming too stale.  This one of very few games I've wanted to play through more than once because the difficulties actually add something to the game instead of just having to do the exact same thing better.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

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19. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)

Well, what can I say about MGS3... It's the start of an amazing storyline and shows Naked Snake's way of becoming Big Boss. It also has some of the best boss fights in video game history and its' presentation is above most other games on PS2. It's not my favourite MGS though, there is still one left on my list.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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19. Super Mario Kart (SNES)

Super Mario Kart is such a genius concept and was so perfectly realized that it's no surprise that virtually every developer - including Nintendo themselves - has spent the last two decades ripping it off. Its combination of compulsive playability and masterful level design remain unsurpassed, however. The courses really are something close to perfection, starting with the disarmingly simple Mario Circuit 1, which is like a sweet first date that leaves you wanting more, and progressing all the way to the treacherous Rainbow Road, which is where your charming new boyfriend knocks out all your teeth and anally rapes you. Like Super Mario Bros. itself, Super Mario Kart is one of those concepts that sounds so strange for a second or two, but once you start playing it, it all seems so natural and intuitive that you wonder why it took so long for someone to make it and how you ever got through life without it. That is, I suppose, the Nintendo magic.

24.Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Directors Cut(PS2)

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is an awesome Action Role Playing Game initially Developed by TRI-ACE for ENIX was released in Japan in 2003 but there were many bugs in the initial release so after the merger of  Square-Enix an enhanced Directors Cut Version was released in Japan in 2004 this is the Version that the US and European Versions are based. 

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time takes place 400 years after the advents  Star Ocean: The Second Story

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time begins on the planet Hyda IV where a young man, Fayt Leingod, and his childhood friend, Sophia Esteed, are on vacation with Fayt's family. Fayt is the son of a famous scientist in the field of symbological genetics. For an unknown reason, the Vendeen Empire — an alien civilization with highly advanced technology that spans only a single planet — attacks Hyda IV unprovoked, thus initiating a war with the Pangalactic Federation. Fayt and Sophia escape on the starship Helre, but are separated from Fayt's parents, Robert and Ryoko Leingod. The Helre is also attacked by the Vendeeni, and the two are separated from each other after dashing to the ship's escape pods during the melee. Days later, Fayt crash lands on an underdeveloped planet named Vanguard III.

From there the epic adventure of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time begins fayt must find his friends and family and uncover how the Aldian Empire fit into the picture.

The battle System in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is in Real-Time with Directly controlled Characters and you have the ability to swot active characters on the fly.  

The visuals are very cool with a Anime Style. 

The Music is a nice blend of futuristic rock, moderately elaborate waltzes. 

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is on very awesome game and it is odd that it got a lot of hate. 

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time A Small Bird That Forgot How To Fly ending theme

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku


Tales of Symphonia - This is one hell of a game.  I had recently got into RPGs and found a copy relatively cheap on ebay (it's rare and expensive in the UK due to a limited print run).  It has become one of my favourite RPGs.  It has a good lengthy story, very good voice acting and an amazing battle system.  Speaking of which, I need to track down the sequal.

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GRANDIA is one awesome Role Playing Game(RPG) from Game-Arts that first released in 1997 for the SEGA SATURN in Japan. in mid 1999 GRANDIA was ported to the SONY PlayStation in Japan the US PlayStation Version was released later in September 1999  in the US.

Grandia is a set in a fantasy world where societies thrive in an era of increasing technological developments following the collapse of the ancient Angelou civilization long ago. General Baal, leader of the militaristic Garlyle Forces, along with his son Colonel Mullen and Mullen's, Lieutenant Leen, make their way to an arcaeological site where treasures of the ancient people are believed to be resting. Justin a 15 year old who longs to be an adventurer lives in the port town of Parm just outside the dig site, travels to the area along with his friend Sue to investigate, as well as gather clues about an artifact left by Justin's missing father, the Spirit Stone. Slipping past the Garlyle soldiers Justin finds a holographic device that displays the image of a women named Liete, who tells him that his stone holds great power, and he must travel far to the east in search of Alent, the ancient city of knowledge, to learn of its true potential. Soon after Returning home, Justin sneaks out to the docks early the next day to board a ship on an adventure across the ocean.

There is a large cast of awesome  Characters that Justin befriends on his journey, the Battle system is awesome it  merges bits of Square's Active Battle system with pieces of Lunar's system, all presented from an overhead 2D view. Time constantly flows during battle, pausing only to let you issue a command. The handy IP bar in the bottom right corner of the screen lets you know who's attacking and when. In addition to the standard RPG elemental and weapon distinctions, you will also have to factor distance from the enemy, resulting in a slightly more strategic battle system. Because every character can attack at the same time, battles are generally shorter than those in most RPGs

     The visuals are presented with a mix of 3D and 2D the world is full polygonal 3D and the characters and mosters are high detailed 2D spirits. 

The music for Grandia was written by Noriyuki Iwadare, who had previously worked with Game Arts as composer for their Lunar series.  the music is awesome with a grate mix of styles that mach the situations well.

GRANDIA is an awesome RPG it's fun lighthearted story is a nice change to he norm as is a game that no RPG fan should miss and now it's on PSN.



Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

20.Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Special Edition(PS2)

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is an awesome Mecha Action Game from KONAMI Computer Entertainment Japan it was Produced by Kojima Hideo The writer Director Murata Shuyo and most of the Mecha Designs were done by Shinkawa Yoji three prominent members of Kojima Productions formed in 2005.

Z.O.E the 2nd Runner is asqual to Z.O.E a Game most remembered for its awesome Mecha Combat and for being packaged with the DEMO of MGS2.

The game begins with Dingo Egret working at a mining facility on Callisto. He accidentally discovers an Orbital Frame amed Jehuty, that was hidden there by Leo Stenbuck the main character from the first Game. he is attacked by BAHRAM forces who have come to tack it, the cargo cantanner housing Jehuty is compromised forcing Dingo to jump into Jehuty while it is sliding down the the side of a monition he activates Jehuty and the box bracks open in spectacular fashion then he engages the attackers. During the battle, Dingo enters the BAHRAM battleship, seemingly defeating Nephtis, an Orbital Frame controlled by an A.I. program based on Viola's fighting style, but is subdued by Anubis, Jehuty's superior counterpart controlled by Col. Ridley (Nohman) Hardiman, leader of BAHRAM. after being captured Nohman asks Dingo to join him. When Dingo refuses, Nohman shoots him, ordering Ken Marinaris but see saves him  by using Jehuty as life support. he then heads to Mars and the fun begins.

The Gameplay is awesome, High Speed Mecha combat at its best you can also grab enemy's and through them at others and grab objects from the environment and use them as weapons. 

The visuas sre unlike the first Game designed to give a total Anime look with with 2D Anime Cutscenes replacing the CG from the first and the Gameplay  scenes are made to look more like scenes from Mecha Anime.

The Musical Score is Epic and fits the game perfectly     

   Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is truly one of the best Mecha Games ever made The High Speed Mecha Action is addictive aseptically when the screen fills with enemy's and if you love games with tones of Hard Boss Battles Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner has covered and one of the coolest old school tributes in a boss fight with the VIC VIPER from Gradius but in this game it transforms into an orbital frame and you can unlock the Gradius arcade game to.

also if you have not played the first Game the first Game is represented as a Full CG Movie as a bonus extra   

    Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Special Edition Intro

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

18. Mario Kart 64 (N64)

Still the best Mario Kart I played, or at least the one I had the most fun with. And it was actually the reason why I bought the N64, my second favourite N64 game.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

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No. 19 Fallout 3 (PC, also on 360 & PS3)

Fallout 1 & 2 were classic old-school RPGs. Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns! When I found out Bethesda were doing the new game I was very excited and it didn't dissappoint. Large open sprawling world, the perks that made the original games great and an odd mix of old school Fallout atmosphere mixed with modern open-world Oblivion-esque gameplay. It just seemed to have a great mix of old and new WRPG elements. Nearly all of my gamer points are thanks to this game (A full 1500 thanks to the DLC!).

No. 18 Neverwinter Nights Expansions (PC)

After hearing so much about Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale, this signified my first foray into D&D/Forgotten Realms and it didn't dissappoint. The story had a depth I hadn't really experienced before with the plague of Neverwinter and the tale of Aribeth and her lover, the wealth of options available was astounding and the game mechanics just plain worked. I remember playing as a Ranger with lil' Tomi Undergallows as my henchman and summoning my Dire Wolf desperately before every area. I also had loads of fun playing through the expansions with my partner (we'd both individually completed the main game). Great RPG.

21. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

A great, great horror game experience.  A shame many people never played this game.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2