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No. 19 Fallout 3 (PC, also on 360 & PS3)

Fallout 1 & 2 were classic old-school RPGs. Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns! When I found out Bethesda were doing the new game I was very excited and it didn't dissappoint. Large open sprawling world, the perks that made the original games great and an odd mix of old school Fallout atmosphere mixed with modern open-world Oblivion-esque gameplay. It just seemed to have a great mix of old and new WRPG elements. Nearly all of my gamer points are thanks to this game (A full 1500 thanks to the DLC!).

No. 18 Neverwinter Nights Expansions (PC)

After hearing so much about Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale, this signified my first foray into D&D/Forgotten Realms and it didn't dissappoint. The story had a depth I hadn't really experienced before with the plague of Neverwinter and the tale of Aribeth and her lover, the wealth of options available was astounding and the game mechanics just plain worked. I remember playing as a Ranger with lil' Tomi Undergallows as my henchman and summoning my Dire Wolf desperately before every area. I also had loads of fun playing through the expansions with my partner (we'd both individually completed the main game). Great RPG.