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22. Banjo-Tooie (N64)

If you've been reading up on my choices, you'll know that you wont find GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark or Turok on my list (and if you didn't know, surprise!). It's kind of crazy to be sure, but my 4 player split-screen FPS of choice with friends was actually Banjo-Tooie! Like I said, completely bonkers, yet we had so much fun in Targetzan's Temple, blasting each other with Fire, Ice, Regular, Grenade, and Clockwork eggs (everyone chose Jinjos as their character, pretty much the OddJob of Banjo-Tooie). So many great memoires, and I haven't even gotten to the single player yet! The game was huge... humongous compared to Banjo-Kazooie. I definitely saw this "bigger is better" world as a double-edged sword. There were worlds in which there was simply too much, and where I would feel lost going after some of the more difficult jiggies (looking at you Grunty Industries). And the amount of collectables walked the line between just right and too much (Rare would later go over the edge in the disappointing collect-a-thon known as Donkey Kong 64). Still, these worlds were some of the greatest I've ever seen, and there's always so much to do (even if you do feel lost)! So while the destination was hit and miss, the journey was always magical. And for that (as well as the aformentioned fantastic multiplayer modes), Banjo-Tooie hits the number 22 spot. Also, the flying battle against Patches is among one of my favorite boss battles ever!

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21. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

When a certain blue Hedgehog was announced on SmashBrosDojo (the Smash Bros. Brawl hype machine site), I knew this game was going to be amazing. Heck, even by the first trailer (Snake?!)  I knew this Smash Bros. would be like nothing I've ever known. And indeed it was. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is an incredible multiplayer experience (and even a decent single player one!), and has captured more hours from me than any Wii game (almost 600 hours now...). Of course I had to start out with Sonic as my main, but as time went on I found that Toon Link was my guy! So fun to use (and so annoying to other players too!). Plus... He catches dem PIGGUHS! Remember my roommate who was my eternal rival in Melee? Well, the rivalry was back, but this time it was Toon Link versus Wolf. Battles were incredibly intense. They also took forever to finish because we knew each other's strategies so well! Heck, I even joined the VGChartz Brawl League (so much fun!) and AllisBrawl (the Brawl Community Competitive site) that let you battle other players from around the world. This game has provided hours upon hours of fun, and is the best Smash Bros. yet!

20. Okami (Wii)

It's been a long time since I've had fun running around in a game. Just running around, not accomplishing anything but taking in the scenery and enjoying the moment in front of me. Okami provided that simple stunning act... once Amaterasu got going at full speed... I would just run around the world of Nippon... taking in the sights (gorgeous ink style art design... still awe inspiring today) sounds (wonderful, wonderful music), and just an overall magical atmosphere. Here's me gushing about this game, and I'm only talking about running around. Okami is a very Zelda-esque experience, but it's also very unique from Link's adventures. Using the Celestial Brush in the world around you (as well as combat) is a fantastic idea, made even better with the WiiMote in my hand. Whether it was making trees bloom (always worth the effort to see those cherry blossoms) or power slashing foes (always satisfying to see them turn into two pieces after a power slash!), the mechanic was a great implementation. As for the desination itself, Okami was truly a magical adventure. I'm glad to have shared the journey with Issun and Amaterasu, from the ups to the downs (that final block-head. Pure evil I tell ya!). What a wonderful adventure.


Mario Kart DS - IMO easily the best Mario Kart game.  It has my favourite 2 tracks; Waluigi Pinball and Airship Fortress, a wide selection of characters and kart with online.  I play this so often, I wouldn't be surprised if I've broken 1000 hours playing this game altogether.

#40 Final Fantasy VII (PS2)

"I'm sorry Aeris, but Phoenix Downs are damn expensive."


When it comes to Final Fantasy I was way late to the party. I played my first ones, FFIV and FFVI in the late 90's and fell in love. Still, my favourite games where Nintendo ones and with a very limited gaming budget I just couldn't aford to buy another console. So, having missed out on the PSX Final Fantasy's I got my brother interested in PS2 and I recommended FFX (on the name alone, I hadn't played it at the time). He bought the game, he liked it and soon he had bought FFVI-FFIX. Hooray for him and hooray for me; I could finally play one the greatest classics of all time: Final Fantasy VII.

This game is a classic for a reason. It's great! The pre-rendered backgrounds are amazing; it's wonderful how much those chubby, blocky character models can affect you; the story is very well done; the music is superb. Yuffie is lovely, Cid is badass and I can't believe Tifa doesn't suffer from some serious back pain.

The battle system is very easy to get into but it's pretty deep, with it's materia system and all.

Any JRPG gamer with some self-respect should play this masterpiece!


#39 Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (NDS)

"Aaand, Guitar Solo! *wee wee weeee*"


This series was a case of instant love. I admit I've only played this one and Justice for All, and those are generally not considered the best, so...I guess I have lots of goodness left to experience!

Whenever a game takes place many years after the earlier ones I can't help but fear that what made the first so good was left in the past, or that the characters I grew affection for has been completely forgotten or worse, completely ruined, and that some new characters,that makes Donald Duck's wallet seem fleshed out, has taken their place.

Luckily, Apollo Justice isn't like that at all.

Great story, and fun but incredibly tough cases. Check. Good music and wonderfully crazy sound effects. Check. Great characters. Check.

Apollo Justice took what made Justice for All so great and added a cup or two of awsomesauce. It really hit my sweet spot. The story keeps me interested to the very end and surprises me a few times, in a good way. Trucy is is adorable and Phoenix is greater than ever. And Ema...I freaking love her.

*munch munch*

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#38 Advance Wars 2 (GBA)

"War is fun!"


It's always good to know that no matter how bored you are there are some games that will save you again, and again, and again. Advance Wars 2 is such a game. I don't know how many times I've played through the vast amount of maps but it just doesn't get boring.

The gameplay is fairly simple and there's not a gazillion different units to choose from. That doesn't make the game shallow though. Far from it, very far from it.

It's very easy to get into Advance Wars 2 but it takes hours upon hours to be a pro. You won't survive for long in some of the harder battles unless you know what you do. I know I made the mistake ofwaiting to build up a massive force before attacking. That didn't work well. The Computer often has an advantage whether it is factories that spews out free units, more cities and bases or just an overwhelmingly huge starting force; you need to be a smart tactician and use your (often) outnumbered army well.

What makes game even more fun and adds some variation is the characters. Each character specialises in some fields such as infantry units, long range or stealth. It's much fun exploring each characters abiliies and try to master them. The characters also has special abilities that heals units, makes them temporarily tougher and much more.

Great game with massive replay value!


#37 Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

"Stop monkeying around! Oh, right.."


When I got my SNES I really wanted the one that came with Mario. What I did get was a SNES with some game where you smack crocodiles with a monkey. What. The. Hell. Where's my Mario!?

So, I was a little bit disappointed that the SNES came bundled with this unknown monkey game instead of Mario. My disappointment lasted about 30 seconds after I'd plugged in my new console and started the game. Heck, this game is actually fun. Wait, it's great! Oh my, it's fantastic!!!

The day after I went to the toy store and got myself a second controller so I could play with my family and friends. We played the crap out of it.

Donkey Kong Country is so damn good. I've heard some people calling it a watered down Mario clone...argh!!! DKC has amazing gameplay and levels. It gets quite difficult later on but it's never cheap. You just need some skills and good reflexes.

sorry about not updating though. I have finals an' crap.

#38. Super Castlevania IV: This game is what I consider to be the best platformer Castlevania. Simon Belmont is back to kick Dracula's ass once again. Armed with a whip and the classic sub-weapon you make your way to Dracula's castle.

The gameplay is excellent (being able to swing your whip around is sweet!), the levels are varied and although not as hard as the NES games they are still very unforgiving (Stage 8 comes to mind). The incredible music adds to the atmosphere and never ceases to amaze me.

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#37. God of War III (PS3): ZEUUUUS! I love hearing Kratos shout. I had some problems deciding which game I should put on my Top 50 but in the end I choose the final chapter. Yes because of the awesome graphics but also because of the jaw-dropping boss battles (the fights against Poseidon, Hades and Cronos in particular). It also features the best combat system (although very similar to the first two). For the first time you actually want to use your other weapons even though the Blades of Athena still remain your best option.

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#36. Blaster Master : This game is a strange hybrid, it merges platforming and topdown shooter but somehow it pulls it off perfectly. It also features the stupidest plot ever with a boy risking his life for a stupid frog but who cares you get to drive a tank and shoot various critters! As you explore the world with your tank you find doors to areas (where you shift into topdown view) where if you defeat the final boss you'll be rewarded with an upgrade for your tank allowing you to explore new areas of the map.

You're never told exactly where to go in Blaster Master which can become a bit frustrating in the later stages of the game where you have to comb through previous worlds to find your new path but it makes finding that new world so much more satisfying.

Finally, I couldn't talk about Blaster Master without mentionning it's difficulty: it's hard, very hard and if you die too often you start back from scratch, that's old school gaming for ya!

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