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#38 Advance Wars 2 (GBA)

"War is fun!"


It's always good to know that no matter how bored you are there are some games that will save you again, and again, and again. Advance Wars 2 is such a game. I don't know how many times I've played through the vast amount of maps but it just doesn't get boring.

The gameplay is fairly simple and there's not a gazillion different units to choose from. That doesn't make the game shallow though. Far from it, very far from it.

It's very easy to get into Advance Wars 2 but it takes hours upon hours to be a pro. You won't survive for long in some of the harder battles unless you know what you do. I know I made the mistake ofwaiting to build up a massive force before attacking. That didn't work well. The Computer often has an advantage whether it is factories that spews out free units, more cities and bases or just an overwhelmingly huge starting force; you need to be a smart tactician and use your (often) outnumbered army well.

What makes game even more fun and adds some variation is the characters. Each character specialises in some fields such as infantry units, long range or stealth. It's much fun exploring each characters abiliies and try to master them. The characters also has special abilities that heals units, makes them temporarily tougher and much more.

Great game with massive replay value!


#37 Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

"Stop monkeying around! Oh, right.."


When I got my SNES I really wanted the one that came with Mario. What I did get was a SNES with some game where you smack crocodiles with a monkey. What. The. Hell. Where's my Mario!?

So, I was a little bit disappointed that the SNES came bundled with this unknown monkey game instead of Mario. My disappointment lasted about 30 seconds after I'd plugged in my new console and started the game. Heck, this game is actually fun. Wait, it's great! Oh my, it's fantastic!!!

The day after I went to the toy store and got myself a second controller so I could play with my family and friends. We played the crap out of it.

Donkey Kong Country is so damn good. I've heard some people calling it a watered down Mario clone...argh!!! DKC has amazing gameplay and levels. It gets quite difficult later on but it's never cheap. You just need some skills and good reflexes.