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#40 Final Fantasy VII (PS2)

"I'm sorry Aeris, but Phoenix Downs are damn expensive."


When it comes to Final Fantasy I was way late to the party. I played my first ones, FFIV and FFVI in the late 90's and fell in love. Still, my favourite games where Nintendo ones and with a very limited gaming budget I just couldn't aford to buy another console. So, having missed out on the PSX Final Fantasy's I got my brother interested in PS2 and I recommended FFX (on the name alone, I hadn't played it at the time). He bought the game, he liked it and soon he had bought FFVI-FFIX. Hooray for him and hooray for me; I could finally play one the greatest classics of all time: Final Fantasy VII.

This game is a classic for a reason. It's great! The pre-rendered backgrounds are amazing; it's wonderful how much those chubby, blocky character models can affect you; the story is very well done; the music is superb. Yuffie is lovely, Cid is badass and I can't believe Tifa doesn't suffer from some serious back pain.

The battle system is very easy to get into but it's pretty deep, with it's materia system and all.

Any JRPG gamer with some self-respect should play this masterpiece!


#39 Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (NDS)

"Aaand, Guitar Solo! *wee wee weeee*"


This series was a case of instant love. I admit I've only played this one and Justice for All, and those are generally not considered the best, so...I guess I have lots of goodness left to experience!

Whenever a game takes place many years after the earlier ones I can't help but fear that what made the first so good was left in the past, or that the characters I grew affection for has been completely forgotten or worse, completely ruined, and that some new characters,that makes Donald Duck's wallet seem fleshed out, has taken their place.

Luckily, Apollo Justice isn't like that at all.

Great story, and fun but incredibly tough cases. Check. Good music and wonderfully crazy sound effects. Check. Great characters. Check.

Apollo Justice took what made Justice for All so great and added a cup or two of awsomesauce. It really hit my sweet spot. The story keeps me interested to the very end and surprises me a few times, in a good way. Trucy is is adorable and Phoenix is greater than ever. And Ema...I freaking love her.

*munch munch*