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21. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

When a certain blue Hedgehog was announced on SmashBrosDojo (the Smash Bros. Brawl hype machine site), I knew this game was going to be amazing. Heck, even by the first trailer (Snake?!)  I knew this Smash Bros. would be like nothing I've ever known. And indeed it was. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is an incredible multiplayer experience (and even a decent single player one!), and has captured more hours from me than any Wii game (almost 600 hours now...). Of course I had to start out with Sonic as my main, but as time went on I found that Toon Link was my guy! So fun to use (and so annoying to other players too!). Plus... He catches dem PIGGUHS! Remember my roommate who was my eternal rival in Melee? Well, the rivalry was back, but this time it was Toon Link versus Wolf. Battles were incredibly intense. They also took forever to finish because we knew each other's strategies so well! Heck, I even joined the VGChartz Brawl League (so much fun!) and AllisBrawl (the Brawl Community Competitive site) that let you battle other players from around the world. This game has provided hours upon hours of fun, and is the best Smash Bros. yet!