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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

ishiki said:
badgenome said:

27. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)


The finest licensed game I've ever played and probably the best 3D Metroidvania ever made... hm. Why don't either of those sound like such great compliments? Anyway, Arkham Asylum is a truly spectacular achievement on every level. Graphically, the only knock against it is the somewhat "plastic" look that most UE3-powered games tend to have as the art department totally nailed the gothic aesthetic of Batman. The voice acting is top notch with talent from the animated series on display, most notably Mark Hamill who completely steals the show as Joker. Arkham Asylum's greatest accomplishment, however, is its outstanding gameplay which brilliantly mixes stealth action with an intuitive free-flow combat system. The overall effect is that, whether you're prowling the intelligently designed levels of Arkham or gliding from gargoyle to gargoyle above a room of Joker's thugs before taking them all down without even being seen, you really do feel like Batman. For fuck's sake, even the collectibles are fun! Other developers really could take a lesson from Rocksteady there. Honestly, everything about this game is so damned good that I feel a little bad about "only" ranking it at #27. Sorry, Bats!

thumbs up! again! I thought they made batman a bit too muscley. Kinda the opposite of what they do with FF characters. haha

Yeah. Having a musclebound protagonist is a prerequisite for using UE3, I think.

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26.NBA Jam Tournament Edition (arcade)

I went to the dentist. They had the best thing to pass to time. U.N sqadron, another shooter, dig dug, and Scottie Pippen on the bulls. I cant tell you how much fun this game was, esspecially that all these games were free to play. Sure I had played this game at other places but damn just playing at the dentist for free and kicking the asses of every other kid there was just like swatting flys, annoying but so satisfying when you get em. The speed, the turbo, the ball on fire, and pretty much all the star players (except Jordan) in the game you would want to play. I never got why people hated the dentist but I guess none of them ever had a an awesome arcade in the lobby. :P

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

26. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Yep, SMG2 right after SMG on my list. I think both games are very similar, and I can't really say that one of them is better than the other one. Both are amazing games!

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


Now that I've revealed my Bottom Half of the Top 50 List, let's see how the stats look:

Statistics (Consoles)
PS2 X 6
PS3 X 9
PS1 X 3
PC X 1
Wii X 1
DS X 1

Statistics (Genres)

Statisitcs (Nationality)

27. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PS2

Vice City may not be as revolutionary as it's predecessor, or as positively massive as it's successor, but no GTA game before or since has had funnier humor, better music, or a more interesting setting.

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26. SSX Tricky (GC)

That's Eddie. He's a bit crazy, much like this game. It was all about ridiculous tricks and combos down equally ridiculous courses. I've enjoyed other snowboarding games like 1080 or others in the SSX series, but this was the peak of the genre to me. I've given EA some stick down the years for various things, but if they were ever to give us an SSX Tricky 2, I'd give them a free pass for life...


milkyjoe said:

28. Grim Fandango

Grim Fandango is a Lucas Arts adventure game, although it uses 3D graphics unlike their earlier games. It was created by Tim Schafer, who of course is one of the men behind Monkey Island 1 & 2, and it's absolutely fantastic. It follows Manny Calavera, who works for the Department of Death as a travel agent who is responsible for helping souls along the way to the ninth underworld (basically he's the Grim Reaper). If you like the classic Lucas Arts adventure games, and you haven't played this, you owe it to yourself to hunt it down and give it a try.

I always wanted to play this, but when I went to the shops none of them had it in stock. I heard it didn't sell particularly well even though it was a fantasic game. Would love to give it a go.

No. 29: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)

You'll all probably be suprised to hear this is the highest Zelda on my list. It's also the first Zelda game I ever played and quite simply, I played this solidly for months (at home, at school, on the way to school/home, before dinner, after dinner etc.). It was just so addicitive and really pushed my young imagination. I didn't care the graphics were 2D or that the graphics had no colour (prior to GB Colour), it was pure adventure gaming bliss. I completed it twice, and in my 2nd playthrough I didn't die once and pretty much did everything (including collecting the heart pieces). Love this game.

No. 28 Tomb Raider (PS & PC, also on Sega Saturn, remade as Tomb Raider Anniversary)

The game that lead to numerous sequels, sparked off the careers of a number of attractive models and spawned two films starring the gorgeous Angelina Jolie. During the PS1 era when 3D graphics were only just taking off, this game was revolutionary. Full 3D worlds to traverse, interesting puzzles and some stand out shock moments. It spawned many sequels and eventually needed a full re-envisioning in the following console gen, but the original in itself was a fantastic game.

Scoobes said:

No. 29: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)

You'll all probably be suprised to hear this is the highest Zelda on my list. It's also the first Zelda game I ever played and quite simply, I played this solidly for months (at home, at school, on the way to school/home, before dinner, after dinner etc.). It was just so addicitive and really pushed my young imagination. I didn't care the graphics were 2D or that the graphics had no colour (prior to GB Colour), it was pure adventure gaming bliss. I completed it twice, and in my 2nd playthrough I didn't die once and pretty much did everything (including collecting the heart pieces). Love this game.

No. 28 Tomb Raider (PS & PC, also on Sega Saturn, remade as Tomb Raider Anniversary)

The game that lead to numerous sequels, sparked off the careers of a number of attractive models and spawned two films starring the gorgeous Angelina Jolie. During the PS1 era when 3D graphics were only just taking off, this game was revolutionary. Full 3D worlds to traverse, interesting puzzles and some stand out shock moments. It spawned many sequels and eventually needed a full re-envisioning in the following console gen, but the original in itself was a fantastic game

I think I agree with your choices more than anyone elses. XD Badgenome's close but I can't decide if the reason I agree is because his posts are funny. But :P I don' think anyone will agree with my top 10-15 haha

ishiki said:
Scoobes said:

No. 29: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)

You'll all probably be suprised to hear this is the highest Zelda on my list. It's also the first Zelda game I ever played and quite simply, I played this solidly for months (at home, at school, on the way to school/home, before dinner, after dinner etc.). It was just so addicitive and really pushed my young imagination. I didn't care the graphics were 2D or that the graphics had no colour (prior to GB Colour), it was pure adventure gaming bliss. I completed it twice, and in my 2nd playthrough I didn't die once and pretty much did everything (including collecting the heart pieces). Love this game.

No. 28 Tomb Raider (PS & PC, also on Sega Saturn, remade as Tomb Raider Anniversary)

The game that lead to numerous sequels, sparked off the careers of a number of attractive models and spawned two films starring the gorgeous Angelina Jolie. During the PS1 era when 3D graphics were only just taking off, this game was revolutionary. Full 3D worlds to traverse, interesting puzzles and some stand out shock moments. It spawned many sequels and eventually needed a full re-envisioning in the following console gen, but the original in itself was a fantastic game

I think I agree with your choices more than anyone elses. XD Badgenome's close but I can't decide if the reason I agree is because his posts are funny. But :P I don' think anyone will agree with my top 10-15 haha

there is at least 2 games that I already agree with in your top 15.

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