50. Destruction Derby - PS1 - U can crash/destruct every car! some games of this gen are still short of that feature ;)
49. NBA Live 95 - SNES - Pure nostalgia,if i recall correctly the first game in the series. This game gave me so much fun i kept playing it regulary for approx 3 years.
48. Tetris - GB - anybody who needs a description or even worse hasnt played it yet (or one of the remakes) should leave this site immediately and never come back.
47. Silent Hill 2 - PS2 - After playing Resident Evil i was looking for a even more shocking, horrifying game. Well, add a depressing atmosphere, delusional characters and a breeze of shizophrenia to the mix und you get Silent Hill 2.
46. Twisted Metal -PS2- After crashing cars with Destruction Derby, i suddenly could shoot at them? and play as a Clown? at the same time? pure awesomeness!
45. Shatter PSN
44. Street Fighter 2 - SNES
43. Tekken Tag Tournament - PS2
42. Resistance 2 - PS3
41. Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 - PS3
40. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 - PS
39. SSX Tricky - PS2
38. Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun -PC
37. Professor Layton and the Curious Village - DS
36. FIFA 10 - PS3
35. Mass Effect - 360
34. Donkey Kong Country - SNES
33. Resident Evil 4 - PS2
32. Gears of War 2 - 360
31. Super Mario Galaxy - Wii
30. Zelda A Link to the Past - SNES
29. Super Mario World - SNES
28. Age of Empires 2 - PC
27. Heavy Rain - PS3
26. Baldurs Gate - PS2
25. Rockn Roll Racing - SNES