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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 to outship the X360 by the end of the 4th quarter? Oh yeh

i find that people claiming 'shortages' and 'overships' absolutely ridiculous.

are you going to tell me only 400K xboxs are sitting on the shelf WORLDWIDE while 1.4 million PS3 are doing the same??

Come on!!!


those terms have always been used for people to justify their inaccurate numbers instead of just doing adjustment. But hey, whatever float their boats.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
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EMEAA is a hard place to track sales. It's also a place where Sony thrives in sales.

kingofwale said:

i find that people claiming 'shortages' and 'overships' absolutely ridiculous.

are you going to tell me only 400K xboxs are sitting on the shelf WORLDWIDE while 1.4 million PS3 are doing the same??

Come on!!!


those terms have always been used for people to justify their inaccurate numbers instead of just doing adjustment. But hey, whatever float their boats.

Actually the expanded base of countries that sony ships too supports the numbers above.  It's not an overship or shortage issue.  Sony's pipeline of countries that need supply is larger than that of MS.

scat398 said:
kingofwale said:

i find that people claiming 'shortages' and 'overships' absolutely ridiculous.

are you going to tell me only 400K xboxs are sitting on the shelf WORLDWIDE while 1.4 million PS3 are doing the same??

Come on!!!


those terms have always been used for people to justify their inaccurate numbers instead of just doing adjustment. But hey, whatever float their boats.

Actually the expanded base of countries that sony ships too supports the numbers above.  It's not an overship or shortage issue.  Sony's pipeline of countries that need supply is larger than that of MS.

good point and that probably does explain the difference between shipped numbers and sold to consumers.  Sony simply has more consoles in the pipeline and more on shelves compared to Nintendo and MS due to the larger amount of places Sony actually ships and sells units.  I should've thought of that earlier.

D-Joe said:

no one think 360 will price first?the S model didn't cut any price and Kinect bundle still little too expensive

btw,i wanna know any one was used point like"360 launch earlier"when PS2 was launch and DC almost launched 2 years

I do think MS will cut the price first but honestly it really doesn't matter, the price cuts will be within a week of each other, and any price cut would benefit Sony more though no price cut would give them better profit margins, so unlike before where cutting the price was MSes go to responce for ps3 selling more it might actually hurt them if they do it this time, seems like kind of a stand off, in the end I think MS will cut first though

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Yes... I guess at end of 31th March:

PS3: ~15m shipped
360: ~13m shipped

endoftheworld166 said:
D-Joe said:

no one think 360 will price first?the S model didn't cut any price and Kinect bundle still little too expensive

btw,i wanna know any one was used point like"360 launch earlier"when PS2 was launch and DC almost launched 2 years

I do think MS will cut the price first but honestly it really doesn't matter, the price cuts will be within a week of each other, and any price cut would benefit Sony more though no price cut would give them better profit margins, so unlike before where cutting the price was MSes go to responce for ps3 selling more it might actually hurt them if they do it this time, seems like kind of a stand off, in the end I think MS will cut first though

I don't see any reason why Sony will cut price in 2011, and if they do its a huge mistake.

BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
D-Joe said:

no one think 360 will price first?the S model didn't cut any price and Kinect bundle still little too expensive

btw,i wanna know any one was used point like"360 launch earlier"when PS2 was launch and DC almost launched 2 years

I do think MS will cut the price first but honestly it really doesn't matter, the price cuts will be within a week of each other, and any price cut would benefit Sony more though no price cut would give them better profit margins, so unlike before where cutting the price was MSes go to responce for ps3 selling more it might actually hurt them if they do it this time, seems like kind of a stand off, in the end I think MS will cut first though

I don't see any reason why Sony will cut price in 2011, and if they do its a huge mistake.

I only see two reasons they'd do it, one is because MS did it first and they didn't really have a choice and two is if they REALLY want to meet their quota, again I think MS is going to cut it first and if Sony does cut it first it's going to be right before the holiday season 

homer said:

Lol. So what if it did better on the ps3 in several regions, it still overall sold better on the 360.  Just shows you aren't doing research when you come out with some of your posts.

Ok so 10mill sold to 8mill sold means sooo much different in consoles, enough to mention? I doubt PS3 gained that much from FFXIII even though it is simply known these days as a Sony franchise. Neither make enough difference to mention. 

Where do you think I got those numbers from? I went to the site on VGC of either game. I did know the total. Just proving that as PS3 is more popular in EMEAA and Japan the ps3 version sold more in Americas the 360 sold more due to its larger userbase. I don't know why this is such an issue. 

My point is that he shouldnt have used that as an example because it wouldnt have pushed that much more consoles.


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

AussieGecko said:
pizzahut451 said:

Kinect helped Xbox 360 so much that it ended up as worst selling of all 3 in 2010.... a year where Microsoft had a model price cut, Halo Reach (their strongest franchise), Black Ops ( its on PS3 too, but COD alwyas makes a bigger impact on Xbox) and Kinect with 500.000.000 US dollars ad campaign - AND THEY STILL ENDED UP LAST !!!!!! I barely see how they are gonna top last year with this one. By looks of things they are abandoning the core market and going casual.

Also its good to know that Sony cuts the prices every 2 years...

2007 - PS3 price cut to 399$

2009 - PS3 price cut to 299$

2011 -  PS3 price cut to 199$ ??????

We all know tha its 199$ price that pushes the system for longest time (unless its a launch price) and PS3 managed to to get this far witout it. And we all know how PlayStation products sell at 199$.

^^These are my 2 cents on the sales war situation, I dont care much about that. In my books, PS3 already outsold Xbox because the gap was 5.5 million when Xbox launched and now is 4 million. So PS3 is actually 1.5 million ahead, if you wanna count it fair.

Throwing it out there BUT

Firstly when PS3 was released that was a huge splurge with initial sales then 360 started outselling it prob because of price pointless argument

secondly 360 made no serious action until second half when ps3 price cut was still in effect thus was selling decently because of thus.what second half are you talking about? 2009 or 2010? If 2010, PS3's price cut was almost a year old, and Arcade got disconected and ELITE got a price drop. But you are right, even with the ELITE price cut, PS3 was outselling Xbox till november.

thirdly 360 still hasnt had a proper price cut. The model that is selling pretty damn well and more frequently at least in my experience is the 250gb with Kinect which is the more expensive one and more expensive then the older models.It did actually get a price cut on ELITE which is now 199$ (it used to be 299$), 100 dollars cheaper than the cheapest PS3 on the market. It was an advantige Xbox had. But i think there are fat chances that this year Sony finally cuts the price to 199$ and sit back and watch how it regains marketshare. In September, it will be 2 years since the last PS3 price cut, and Sony usually cuts the price in that time period.

Give a source on the 500mill or don't say it. People who keep saying this are clearly just basing off internet gossip. The first article was in NYTimes or something and it just spread. Ms never said what they were splurging on Kinect advertising as far as I know. Would have been in the financial reports maybe, find them then you can use this when you point out where this was. Just google it, lol, its all over the gaming internet. I think its a well know estimate

Halo Reach was never going to seriously push consoles imo as Halo 3 was already released and a lot of people would have purchased the 360 (me included) when that released.It was still their biggest exclusive franchise, it was expected to push consles, look it up here on this web site.. Just like with GT5 .

Please don't use Black Ops, a game that has sold more on the PS3 in EMEAA. Just shows you aren't doing research when you come out with some of your posts. You know COD is a lot more popular in America, and thats where it counts, thats where it moves consoles. Seeing as how Xbox is also more popular in America, i dont see how its not an advantige. If you launch Final Fantasy 13 for Xbox and PS3 in Japan at the same time, what console do you think would get a higher boost?

PS3 Call of duty Black Ops EMEAA 3,813,964 vs 360 Call of duty black ops EMEAA 3,180,820

In that area PS3 is outselling 360.