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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 to outship the X360 by the end of the 4th quarter? Oh yeh

endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:

First of all these Sony shipment numbers are confusing me. I know at Gamestop we've actually been overstocked on them for a while so maybe Sony overshipped or something.

Also I don't see that happening, I fully expect a 360 price drop this year, plus with Kinect and Gears 3 I expect the 360 to outsell PS3 in 2011.

What's confusing they shipped that many, their shipped numbers always look high but they rarely are they can't always be over-shipping, since it's the retailers that order them 

I'm not neccessarily claiming that Sony has overshipped I'm just saying the numbers don't look right.  They must be selling more units in Europe than America's by a huge amount.

I've seen some of company numbers and the 360 absolutley slaughtered the PS3 company wide this holiday, it wasn't even close. We had consistant stock company wide on all PS3 models while we had huge shortages on 360 which probably also were part of the reason 360 shipments looked low, they couldn't meet demand. 

I'm not basing this off of fomulas or personal "well I went to my local wal-mart and it looked like this" stuff.  I've seen the numbers SOLD to consumer for a huge chunk of the company and something is off.  As I said I expect Europe must be the reason shipment numbers are so high for Sony.

You do realize the world is bigger the Europe and America right? Sony ships to like 150 countries, more then even nintendo, ps3 beats 360 pretty much everywhere but NA and UK so it's no real surprise it's numbers look high when you fail to account for that many countries 

you do realize all those areas account for about 10% of the market. For this gen Americas is most important. Closely followed by Europe. Japan is a good chunk back. Other countries are almost completely insignificant. PS3 is doing well because its Europe sales compared to the 360 are similar to 360 sales compared to Europe. For now every place else is nearly irrelevant. Though I have a feeling a few generations down the line China will be one of the biggest markets.

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enrageorange said:
endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:

First of all these Sony shipment numbers are confusing me. I know at Gamestop we've actually been overstocked on them for a while so maybe Sony overshipped or something.

Also I don't see that happening, I fully expect a 360 price drop this year, plus with Kinect and Gears 3 I expect the 360 to outsell PS3 in 2011.

What's confusing they shipped that many, their shipped numbers always look high but they rarely are they can't always be over-shipping, since it's the retailers that order them 

I'm not neccessarily claiming that Sony has overshipped I'm just saying the numbers don't look right.  They must be selling more units in Europe than America's by a huge amount.

I've seen some of company numbers and the 360 absolutley slaughtered the PS3 company wide this holiday, it wasn't even close. We had consistant stock company wide on all PS3 models while we had huge shortages on 360 which probably also were part of the reason 360 shipments looked low, they couldn't meet demand. 

I'm not basing this off of fomulas or personal "well I went to my local wal-mart and it looked like this" stuff.  I've seen the numbers SOLD to consumer for a huge chunk of the company and something is off.  As I said I expect Europe must be the reason shipment numbers are so high for Sony.

You do realize the world is bigger the Europe and America right? Sony ships to like 150 countries, more then even nintendo, ps3 beats 360 pretty much everywhere but NA and UK so it's no real surprise it's numbers look high when you fail to account for that many countries 

you do realize all those areas account for about 10% of the market. For this gen Americas is most important. Closely followed by Europe. Japan is a good chunk back. Other countries are almost completely insignificant. PS3 is doing well because its Europe sales compared to the 360 are similar to 360 sales compared to Europe. For now every place else is nearly irrelevant. Though I have a feeling a few generations down the line China will be one of the biggest markets.

The market in those area's is growing, and since Sony owns all of it that 10% is pretty much all theirs people are underestimating just how much demand is increasing in those areas, sure it's no USA but you can't just ignore them and expect the numbers to balance 

eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

XanderZane said:
Hyruken said:
Carl2291 said:
Hyruken said:

If your talking hardware sales overall then yes. if your talking about hardware this generation and money made then no.

For 2010 in Japan between the Wii,PS3 and 360 3.425m consoles were sold. Where as in the UK 3.639m consoles were sold.

So technically because this is a thread about the 360 and PS3 he is right. In terms of just those 2 consoles combined last year only 1.7m were bought in japan. Where as 2.4m were sold in the UK.

Meaning UK sold more next gen consoles then Japan last year.

Now there are many reasons for that such as 360 not doing well in comparison to the others in Japan. But doesn't make the comparison un-fair. It just means people in the UK are happy to buy anything no matter where it is from. Because of that attitude means console sales are higher.

So in terms of next gen consoles i.e 360 and PS3 UK is a bigger market then Japan. Is as he said the 2nd biggest next gen market in the world currently.

I have not checked but i imagine software wise it is the same.

I'm talking total HW sales, not just PS3/360. Japan is a bigger market for videogames than the UK is. If he was talking just the 2 HD consoles then sure, he's right on the point that they are the 2 largest markets. 

My main point is... It's stupid touting 2 countries as to why a console will win, when there are MANY other countries in this World.

For sure, i 100% agree!

He's right and there's another game console called the THE WII that's in the equation that gamers for some small reason seem to forget is beating the pants off that 2 HD consoles. LOL!! It's amazing how the fight for 2nd place starts so many threads. Did we have this many threads between the XBox and Gamecube last generation?

i agree but I love nintendo and And the 360. Sony, not so much.

Plus I think people just forget that Kinect has tapped the casual wii market. Like I said sales may stay normal or over but in the holidays Kinect is going to sell like hot cakes . they will be ready for 2011-2012 holiday season.

bannedagain said:
eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically and last time I checked 360 owners weren't the casual market, I think MS is selling kinect to loyal 360 owners, not the casual crowd 

Around the Network
endoftheworld166 said:
bannedagain said:
eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically and last time I checked 360 owners weren't the casual market, I think MS is selling kinect to loyal 360 owners, not the casual crowd 

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically?  As soon as I read that I realized that I couldn't take this post seriously.

You are aware that since the Kinect launched the 360 has been up YOY every single week and is the only console to do so correct?

BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
bannedagain said:
eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically and last time I checked 360 owners weren't the casual market, I think MS is selling kinect to loyal 360 owners, not the casual crowd 

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically?  As soon as I read that I realized that I couldn't take this post seriously.

You are aware that since the Kinect launched the 360 has been up YOY every single week and is the only console to do so correct?

I guess we just have different views on how much is drastically

endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
bannedagain said:
eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically and last time I checked 360 owners weren't the casual market, I think MS is selling kinect to loyal 360 owners, not the casual crowd 

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically?  As soon as I read that I realized that I couldn't take this post seriously.

You are aware that since the Kinect launched the 360 has been up YOY every single week and is the only console to do so correct?

I guess we just have different views on how much is drastically

No we don't, your just blatantly ignoring the massive lift that Kinect gave the 360.

The 360 was down almost EVERY week YOY in 2010 and then lifted to being up YOY every single week, including well into 2011, sometime by more than 200% and that isn't a drastic lift?  If that isn't then please give me an example of a drastic lift of similar scale not caused by a price drop.

BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
bannedagain said:
eliasg said:
Eddie_Raja said:

It's time for people to finally admit that xbox360 is not slaughtering PS3, and it NEVER was.  PS3 will probably overtake 360 in 2011 without leaving any chance of 360 getting it back.

Microsoft is winning in the two largest markets of the world USA and UK, so... NO. 

You need to finally admit that it's just not going to happen with kinect. If you haven't noticed it is a hit and will stay that way just like wii. It has captivated the casual and by next christmas you will see monster sales in the range of the wii. Maybe the low end of the wii but it will happen.

It will sell normal or better over the year but they will be ready for the holidays and any sales that had slumped, just like the wii will be replaced.

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically and last time I checked 360 owners weren't the casual market, I think MS is selling kinect to loyal 360 owners, not the casual crowd 

Kinect hasn't increased 360 sales drastically?  As soon as I read that I realized that I couldn't take this post seriously.

You are aware that since the Kinect launched the 360 has been up YOY every single week and is the only console to do so correct?

I guess we just have different views on how much is drastically

No we don't, your just blatantly ignoring the massive lift that Kinect gave the 360.

The 360 was down almost EVERY week YOY in 2010 and then lifted to being up YOY every single week, including well into 2011, sometime by more than 200% and that isn't a drastic lift?  If that isn't then please give me an example of a drastic lift of similar scale not caused by a price drop.

wii's sales compared to gamecubes 

gonna get banned for this but fuck it. seriously the only reason this overshipped crap started was because of vgchartz. if some of you took your eyes of this site for 1 second you will realise its not sony, microsoft or nintendo but vgchartz who are wrong. end of.  im expecting the site to be defended like jesus is the creator of it or something but fact is, vgchartz is an inaccurate source for sales and most of you know it.