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Forums - Sales Discussion - Spain, where the Wii failed?

Portugal is most surely included. I do not want to seem disrespectful to portuguese friends, but Portugal is a very small market (11 million vs. 46 million), and probably with a console market not as evolved as the spanish one.

I've been reading Diomedes' post, and I do not agree with him in all his ideas. I do not think Microsoft's XBOX360 is seen as he describes. XBOX games are receiving higher ratings on every spanish magazine, and I've met many angry customers who bought a PS3 months before its price was dropped.
It is also important to say that the most important videogame magazine in Spain, Hobby Consolas, has been hyping Sony products for a very long time.

Nintendo's sales, considering all my previous thoughts, are simply amazing. And Microsoft has experienced a growth in sales anyone expected. But Sony is just too strong to be beaten, yet.
By the way, I currently own a Wii and a XBOX360.

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I still find it odd how console sales differ in regions. Kind of supports the stereotypical.

What do you mean?

En españa son lamehuevos del Sony y del PlayStation asi los traten a punta de patadas. Alla compran cualquier porqueria que diga play station aunque sea papel de baño. (no le digo porqueria al ps3, solo es como expresion).

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

That is very nice, Shura. Thank you.
I guess there are fanboys everywhere...

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X360 is seen as that other machine that is worse that the PS3 .And that is BEFORE people actually ask in the shop and are told that to play online you have to pay a monthly fee .

And as for the ratings in the magazines ....dont think what are you talking acabcucu .The multiplatform mags are mainly Hobby Consolas and Xtreme Games (old Superjuegos ) and the ratings there are just the same for the games .Even PS3 exclusives as Lair that IGn and Gamespot attacked have been highly praised .Some online mags as Vandal ,Meristation and Hardgame2 are having differente takes .Meristation seems to lower PS3 games because they are launched later ,Vandal gives them the same puntuation and Hardgame2 is just a mess because different reviewers have a go at the two versions and some times you have identical games as Jericho and The Darkness having massive differences between versions .Not a big deal and deffinitely not something most of the people are aware .

If Portugal sales are included in Spain ones then its definitely a bit off .As another poster told us the PS3 is already above 30K there and it had more than 400K in Spain last week now both sales data should be around 450K .Not a lot ,but somewhat off .

I must admit I only read e-magazines nowadays, so Diomedes must know better than me the ratings on "paper" magazines.

maybe the people of spain can tell a lousy gimmick (the wii) when they see it!

Y es en serio, eh leido en sitios españoles gente que dice que alla se vende y compran el ps3 porque es "la play" solo por eso. Asi que no creo que sea falla del wii, sino que ahi son extremadamente fanaticos de sony.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

Shura said:
En españa son lamehuevos del Sony y del PlayStation asi los traten a punta de patadas. Alla compran cualquier porqueria que diga play station aunque sea papel de baño. (no le digo porqueria al ps3, solo es como expresion).

I would love to know what this says but my Spanish ain't so great. Translation anyone? I'm english.   

And this:


Y es en serio, eh leido en sitios españoles gente que dice que alla se vende y compran el ps3 porque es "la play" solo por eso. Asi que no creo que sea falla del wii, sino que ahi son extremadamente fanaticos de sony.


Thank you!